Intervention |
Who |
- Online pre-conception services (e.g. Foresight22 - see example below)
- National and local pre-conception counselling services (NHS Family Planning Clinics)
- Conflict resolution skills training for practitioners and participants; online and face-to-face (e.g. One Plus One23)
- Youth counselling services
- Community perinatal mental health services
- Voluntary sector
- Community Contraception Service (CCS) provides a specialist contraceptive and sexual health service which responds to individuals of all age groups, and is delivered in a timely an appropriate manner; including dedicated services for young people)
- Sexual Health Clinics
- Promote use of Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC24), and specialist treatment
- Primary care statutory
- Voluntary sector providers
Access to advice about Long Acting and Reversible COntraception (LARC), and specialist treatment. Examples include:
- Compass Warwickshire - specifically for under 18s
- Supporting Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service provided in Warwickshire by the Recovery Partnership
- Primary care statutory
- Voluntary sector providers
Factors promoting care leavers transition to independent living
- Stable placements whilst in care
- Access to and continuity of professional and informal support for young people as they prepare for the transition out of care (e.g. Care leavers to be supported by a 'leaving care worker' and also a Personal Advisor (PA) from the charity Barnardo's)
- Easy and confidential access to sexual health information (e.g. Respect Yourself campaign website)
- Statutory social care services
- Voluntary services
- English as a second language (ESL) classes available (n.b. MIND26 identified language skills as a key factor in preserving mental health)
- Classes provided by various providers. Some arranged through children's centres
- Specialist pregnancy services (e.g. the charity FPA offer specialist sexual health services for people with learning disabilities)
- Staff involved in the care of vulnerable young people
- Medication planning prior to pregnancy and commenced as soon as pregnancy confirmed27
- Primary care statutory and voluntary sector providers in conjunction with specialist services such as perinatal psychiatry