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Group-based parent training programmes for improving parental psychosocial health

Barlow J, Smailagic N, Huband N, Roloff V, Bennett C

This Systematic Review is now available to download as a PDF:(PDF Document)Group-based parent training programmes for improving parental psychosocial health


Parental psychosocial health can have a significant effect on the parent-child relationship, with consequences for the later psychological health of the child. Parenting programmes have been shown to have an impact on the emotional and behavioural adjustment of children, but there have been no reviews to date of their impact on parental psychosocial wellbeing.

psychosocial health 


To address whether group-based parenting programmes are effective in improving parental psychosocial wellbeing (for example, anxiety, depression, guilt, confidence).


+Search Methods

+Selection Criteria

+Data Collection and Analyisis

+Main Results

+Authors' Conclusions