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Mission, values and vision

When Warwick was founded in 1965, the establishment of a new medical school as part of its whole was already a key priority – and indeed its establishment became a challenge for the next 30 years. Warwick’s founders were deeply committed to both the academic excellence and the regional, and societal, impacts that having such a department would provide, both through education and the advancement of medical science research. Our challenge now is to build on the things we have achieved to date, and to do so with authenticity to the Warwick brand.

We are small, we are young and we have modest means, but we are already a leading medical school in the UK, reputed for the high quality and distinctiveness of our doctors and for the excellence and global impact of our research. We play an active part in transforming the regional health economy and health eco-system and have developed successful and transformative partnerships with health care providers and local authorities.

Our Values

  • Our activities are focused on maintaining and improving health both within the UK and internationally
  • The School is founded on the principle of collaboration with a variety of partners, we are outward looking and will continue to seek partners with whom we can work to the ultimate benefit of patients
  • We strive for excellence in all that we do, seeking to encourage, support and deliver high quality research and teaching which is at the cutting edge internationally
  • We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, openness and professionalism in all of our activities
  • We engage with the public, respecting and valuing diversity of perspectives and we seek to disseminate our knowledge and research findings to enhance the quality of life of the public
  • We are a dynamic and enterprising organisation, we are not constrained by traditional departmental, specialty or professional boundaries and we seek to develop new paradigms by working together across disciplines
  • Our culture is one of informality and friendliness in which all of our staff are valued and treated fairly and with dignity as vital parts of our team
  • We support all our staff by investing in excellent and appropriate development activities to help them increase their potential and achieve their career aspirations

Our Vision

  • Grow medical student numbers and strengthen our position as the UK's leading provider of graduate medicine.
  • Grow our two innovative undergraduate programmes, MSci Integrated Natural Sciences and BSc Health and Medical Sciences.
  • Transform our postgraduate taught programmes to focus on our core disciplinary strengths.
  • Continue to support excellence in interdisciplinary research in areas where we are already strong.

Contact us:

Warwick Medical School
The University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 2476 574 880
Email: wmsinfo at warwick dot ac dot uk