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Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

Image of crowd sitting outside

Warwick Medical School is committed to working in partnership with patients, public contributors and communities. Our communities can be local, national and international.

Our research studies are carried out with patients, the public and communities, often drawing on co-production approaches focused on developing high quality relationships. The patient or public contribution helps us ensure our research is relevant, acceptable and appropriate from the patient view.

Our work contributes to the developing evidence base that underpins involvement and engagement. In addition to the ‘doing’ of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) sometimes our researchers build an exploration of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) into larger studies, to explore what forms of PPI work, for whom, why and in what context. We publish our PPIE studies that help build a high quality evidence base to inform future PPIE practice so it can be evidence-informed and evidence generating.

If you are interested in our PPIE research please contact Sophie Staniszewska (