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Felix Michelet


Statistician-Clinical Trials Unit

Who I am and my role at WMS

My name is Felix Michelet, I joined the Clinical Trials Unit at Warwick Medical School in February 2021 as statistician. In my role I am involved in numerous clinical trials, supporting the trial team in trial design, and writing reports to display the quality and completeness of the data that is collected. Once a trial has been completed and all the data is collected, I conduct the data analysis to assist in concluding on the trial hypothesis. Before working at the Warwick Medical School, I worked as a support worker, assisting people with disabilities, and completed my masters in MORSE at the University of Birmingham.

What attracted me to join WMS

The opportunity to apply my skills and experience to medical research was what truly attracted me to join Warwick Medical School. Having studied mathematics, and more specifically statistics, I had many potential avenues to follow after graduating, but I always wanted to get involved with research and remain in higher education. Warwick Medical School has given me the opportunity to achieve this, and I am now part of engaging research in mental health and looking to improve the service offered by our health services. Having discussed the role with members of the Clinical Trials Unit it was clear there was plenty of opportunity for me to explore the world of medical statistics in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, with the added opportunity to study for a PhD in the future.

My experience at WMS so far

Even though I have not been at Warwick Medical School for very long time my experience has been extremely positive, and I am confident this will carry on for as long as I am here. Having started working from home has offered its challenges, but all my colleagues has been considerate of this and are always ready to answer any question I may have. It has also been a great experience meeting colleagues with lots of different roles withing the Clinical Trials Unit and not only my fellow statisticians. All I can add is I can’t wait to be in the office to take advantage of all the social opportunities that are on offer at Warwick Medical School.