Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
At Warwick Medical School we are incredibly proud of the diversity of our community, and are committed to delivering excellent teaching and research by ensuring that there is equality of opportunity for all. Our MB ChB programme is one of only a few courses in the UK to accept graduates from any degree, and our students regularly tell us that the diversity of their intake is one of their favourite aspects of the course. In October 2019 we were delighted to be awarded an Athena SWANLink opens in a new window silver award in recognition of our efforts in this area, and we are progressing towards submitting our next Silver application in 2025.

Athena Swan
We are proud to offer a range of initiatives and projects at Warwick Medical School which encourage gender equality in the workplace, from mentoring and shadowing schemes to dedicated events, flexible working schemes and family spaces
Find out more about our work and our silver award.

Inclusive Education
We believe that everyone should have access to the best student educational experience and we have a pivotal role in overcoming societal structures to enable equitable access to HE. The Inclusive Education Subgroup (IES) of our WMS Education Committee is dedicated to uncovering and addressing inequalities that impact our diverse student body across all educational levels.
Find out more about how we are championing inclusive education for all

WMS Awarding Gap Group
The attainment gap is measured as the difference in final course results between white and BAME students, and it is now widely acknowledged to result from institutional practices rather than student deficits. Our Attainment Gap Group seeks to identify areas where we need to take action as a School to address this issue and to agree our approach.

Research Culture Roadmap
High-quality research is dependent upon a thriving and positive research culture. Consultation with the WMS community has informed a values-driven understanding of the importance of research culture at WMS, in which our people, our community and our research is valued.
Together, we have developed an Enhancing Research Culture Roadmap which will chart the course for our ongoing cultural development. Find out more about our work in this area here.

EDI Champions
We have two Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champions at WMS, who provide a two way communication between the School and the university's central EDI network. They are the first point of contact for WMS colleagues to log any issues or concerns to be raised with the central team and they also disseminate EDI activities from across the university.

Public Engagement
Public Engagement is an important part of our work. We are committed to building strong ties with the local community by keeing them informed of exciting research developments and seeking their valuable input in shaping our activities. Our staff and students actively engage with local primary and secondary schools and take part in many outreach events.