What is Athena SWAN?

What is Athena Swan?
Advance HE's Transformed Athena SWAN Charter covers women (and men where appropriate) in: Academic roles in STEMM and AHSSBL, Professional and Support staff, Trans staff and students, in relation to progression of students into academia, journey through career milestones, and creating a positive working environment for all staff to thrive.
The UK Athena Swan Charter was updated with the sector in 2021 to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the higher education and research sectors.

Warwick Medical School & Athena Swan
WMS was the first medical school in England to receive the bronze Athena SWAN award in 2012. In October 2019 we were delighted to achieve a silver award in recognition of our commitment to equality of opportunity for all, and in February 2025 we were thrilled to be awarded silver status once again.