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2018 MBChB Education Conference

Friday 18th May 2018

Radcliffe, University of Warwick

Our annual one-day education conference is an opportunity for everyone involved in delivering Warwick Medical School's MB ChB to meet together for a day of professional development, updates on key topics in medical education and to share good practice in teaching medical students.

Thank you to everyone who took part in 2018 and contributed to the success of the day.

2018 Welcome

Our themes in 2018 included:

  • Partnerships in medical education: medical students, educators and patients working together to enhance the student experience.
  • The Warwick Teacher: what makes excellent teaching, what are the skills and qualities of good teachers, how can we promote development and excellence?
  • Learning in clinical settings: learning from every clinical encounter, enhancing bedside teaching, developing clinical reasoning skills, feedback for learning.
  • Innovations in learning, teaching and assessment.



The programme is available to download.

Abstracts for each presentation / workshop are also available.


Further information

For further information, please contact