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Past MB ChB Education Conferences

2014. Promoting Excellence in Graduate-Entry Medicine

Monday 15 September 2014, Scarman House, University of Warwick

 MB ChB Education Conference 2014 MB ChB Education Conference 2014 MB ChB Education Conference 2014

In 2014, our themes included:

  • Quality in graduate-entry medical education
  • Supporting students
  • Innovations and developments in teaching and learning and
  • Faculty development.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the day, which was fully booked. Over 100 people involved in the MB ChB gathered to discuss our key theme of ‘Promoting Excellence in Graduate-Entry Medicine’. Our plenary speakers, including Professor Christina Hughes (PVC, Learning & Teaching), stimulated lots of discussion of quality issues and other sessions considered good practice in simulation, curriculum developments and enhancing student learning as well as a range of workshops and posters.

The programme is available here. Presentations will be made available from these web pages.


2013. The Warwick MB ChB: Delivering the Refreshed Curriculum

Tuesday 22 October 2013, Radcliffe House, University of Warwick

The Dean addresses the conference Megan Quentin-Baxter  Poster prize presentation

Our inaugural MB ChB Education Conference took place on 22 October 2013 at Radcliffe House, University of Warwick. Ninety people gathered for a day of professional development for teaching, updates on key topics in medical education and to share good practice in medical student teaching and learning.

Our themes for 2013 were delivering the refreshed curriculum and case-based learning. Colin Melville and Richard Tunstall outlined the shape of the curriculum and the centrality of case based learning. Peter Winstanley updated delegates on the importance of the MB ChB programme to the future strategy for Warwick Medical School.

Megan Quentin-Baxter (Newcastle University) gave the keynote address challenging us to 'flip the classroom'. Parallel sessions and workshops were delivered by staff from Warwick Medical School and the NHS as well as by our own students. Posters covering a range of curriculum innovations were on display and the poster prize was awarded to Katherine Hewitt and fellow students for their work in supporting students required to resit examinations.

The programme and presentations are available to view online.