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2013 Programme and presentations

The Warwick MB ChB: Delivering the Refreshed Curriculum

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Download the conference 2013 Programme and presentations (PDF Document)

Download the session summaries booklet (PDF Document)


Click on the title to see the presentation where authors have made them available. Presentations will be added here as they are received.





The refreshed curriculum: Developments and context

Chairs: Colin Melville & Catherine Bennett

The Warwick MBChB: A refreshed curriculum

Colin Melville, Head of MB ChB, Warwick Medical School

The Warwick Medical School context

Peter Winstanley, Dean of Medicine, University of Warwick

Case-based learning in a modern medical curriculum

Richard Tunstall, Principal Teaching Fellow, Warwick Medical School

11.45 Parallel Session 1

(A) The role of feedback in improving medical student learning and teaching

Chairs: Kamal Nathavitharana & Colin Melville

SP1: A service evaluation of the provision of feedback on the observed clinical performance of Warwick medical students

Paul Matthews*, Deborah Biggerstaff

SP3: Student survey demonstrates high levels of satisfaction with GP course formative feedback

Kate Owen

(B) Developing clinical teaching

Chairs: Chris Marguerie & Colin Macdougall

SP2: History taking workshop for undergraduate medical students within the obstetrics and gynaecology at UHCW

Chellappah Gnanachandran*, Ria Daly, Jacqueline Woodman

SP4: Teaching clinical reasoning. What is the best evidence to guide practice?

Shirley Rigby*, Deborah Biggerstaff


(C) Workshop


W1: Setting a pass mark

Gay Fagan

12.40 Plenary

Refreshing the curriculum context

Chair: Colin Melville

Megan Quentin-Baxter, Professor of Health Professions Education, Newcastle University


Lunch and poster viewing

14.15 Parallel Session 2

(D) Supporting students: Student initiatives in medical education

Chairs: Maggie Allen & Colin Macdougall

SP5: Specialist peer mentoring at Warwick Medical School

Sophie Brockman

SP6: ReGroup: The Resit Support Group. Providing support for students required to resit examinations at Warwick Medical School

Katherine J. Hewitt*, Sophie Brockman, Emily Knight, Lucy Thompson

(E) Workshop

W2: Writing high quality multiple choice questions

Gay Fagan

(F) Workshop

Chair: Chris Marguerie

W3: Making the most of teaching observations: Being an observer and being observed

Catherine Bennett

15.05 Parallel Session 2

(G) Doctors as teachers

Chairs: Maggie Allen & Catherine Bennett

SP7: Producing clinicians or clinical educators: Why not both?

Michael Hale & Amy Irwin*

SP8: Challenges of GMC trainer recognition in the workplace

Kamal Nathavitharana

(I) Workshop

Chair: Paul Matthews

W5: The future GP: A world café approach exploring how we can best prepare students for the challenges of high quality 21st century general practice

Kate Owen

(H) Workshop

Chair: Jane Kidd

W4: Common challenges in facilitating small group discussion: Managing dysfunctional groups

Svitlana Zhelezna

16.20 - 17.00 Plenary

Looking back, looking forward: Curriculum development and teaching and learning in clinical settings


Colin Melville