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DAY 1 – Sunday 9th March

15:00 Registration and Refreshments NB: Scarman will not open before 3pm.
If early, you may wish to go to the Warwick Arts Centre for refreshments.

17:00-19:00 Introductory Presentations

Five minute presentations to showcase/introduce participants’ work, answering the following questions :
  • showcase/introduce your work, and you should answer the following questions:
  • what aspects of wellbeing are you interested in
  • what aspects of the built environment have you studied
  • what methods have you used?
19:00 Dinner and Entertainment - live band 1940’s swing music

DAY 2Monday 10th March
8:00-9:15 Registration and Refreshments
9:30-9:40 Welcome
Professor Gillian Hundt
Division of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick

9:40-10:40 Legacy Lecture Screening
Professor Libby Burton
Professor of Sustainable Building Design and Wellbeing, School of Engineering and Warwick Medical SchoolThis will introduce the topic and present Professor Libby Burton’s vision for the future
10:40-11:00 Refreshment break


Wellbeing: what are our goals?

Seminar/discussion on what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ when it comes to the built environment and what we should be trying to achieve?

Split into groups to discuss, then report back and start to build a consensus (through facilitators)
12:20-13:20 Lunch break


Methodology: what is the gold standard for research in this field?
Are there new methods we should be trying?Split into groups to discuss, then report back and start to build a consensus (through facilitators)
14:40-16:00 Putting it into practice: how to promote design for wellbeing in the built environmentSplit into groups to discuss, then report back and start to build a consensus (through facilitators)
16:00-16:30 Refreshment break


What do we know and what do we still need to investigate? Directions for the future
Split into groups to discuss, then report back and start to build a consensus (through facilitators)

Professor Ann Caesar
Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Warwick

Dinner and entertainment - live band 1940’s swing music


DAY 1 – Sunday 9th March


Registration and Refreshments

NB: Scarman will not open before 3pm.
If early, you may wish to go to the Warwick Arts Centre for refreshments.


Introductory Presentations

Five minute presentations to showcase/introduce participants’ work, answering the following questions :

· showcase/introduce your work, and you should answer the following questions:

· what aspects of wellbeing are you interested in

· what aspects of the built environment have you studied

· what methods have you used?


Dinner and Entertainment - live band 1940’s swing music