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COVID-19 sign-up form

CAMDU is implementing interim rules and support during the Covid-19 pandemic. If you would like to use any CAMDU resources during this time please sign up using the following form.
This is required for access to the booking calendars.

The new rules supersede the booking rules agreed to in the main CAMDU sign up and include additional health and safety measures. All other aspects you agreed to in the previous sign up, including acknowledgement policy, conditions of use and charges etc. apply as normal.

I would like to use the following CAMDU resources (please tick all that apply) (required)

You can let us know via email later if you need access to a calendar you haven't requested here. (You will not need to re-complete the form).

New CAMDU Rules and Guidelines

Please read the information at carefully and read and agree to the points outlined in the set of guidelines.

A reminder of the key points:

  • Users must keep their hands clean and cling-film highly touched surfaces on the microscopes and computers. Guidance will be provided by the instrument.
  • Users must finish their session on time including removal of their clingfilm and any other cleaning required.
  • There must be a 30 minute gap between users.
  • Access to workstations in in silico will be remote only.
  • Booking rules have changed for the multi-use microscopes, and can be found at
  • The booking rules and cleaning guidance may change and evolve but we will keep you informed.


New CAMDU Rules and Guidelines (required)

Lone Working

Lone working at the microscopes will be highly likely with the initial low occupancy of the buildings, CAMDU recommends the buddy system outlined in the Lone Working SOP for those working alone in a microscope room outside the hours of 8 am-7 pm.

Lone Working (required)


Users are requested to use an electronic form to notify CAMDU of any problems with the microscope. Even if a CAMDU member is in the building we ask users still request help through the form or by phone to limit face-to-face interaction.

Troubleshooting (required)

‎Please log in to the Warwick website if your details don't auto-populate below.

Declaration (required)

Privacy notice

The data on this form will be stored for our records. We will use this data to contact you.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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