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CAMDU offers a range of training and workshop opportunities. Below you can find a summary of these sessions as well as access the associated training materials.

Scheduled Workshops

We have upcoming workshops on Image Analysis, Fiji (ImageJ) and OMERO in the week beginning the 18th March. Please click on the relevant workshop below to register your interest and indicate your preferred dates and times.

  • Image Analysis with Fiji
  • Introduction to Image Analysis
  • Introduction to OMERO web

If you would like to attend, please register your interest by completing this form.


We regularly run workshops for CAMDU users. Some common topics include:

  • An Introduction to OMERO.web
  • How to Prepare a Publication using LateX and Overleaf
  • Image Analysis with Fiji
  • Getting Started with Scripting in ImageJ
  • Image Analysis with Python

If you would like to attend one of our workshops please contact us at

We can also provide training tailored to your needs, so if you'd like to attend a workshop on a topic not listed here, please get in touch.


CAMDU Training Sessions

26th May 2022

Image Analysis with ImageJ

Day 1 - 8th October 2018


Introduction to light microscopy


Electronic lab notebooks with WordpressLink opens in a new window

Day 2 - 12th October 2018

intropython Introduction to Data Analysis with PythonLink opens in a new window
python2 Introduction to Data Analysis with Python - part 2Link opens in a new window

Day 3 - 15th October 2018


Introduction to Image Analysis with FijiLink opens in a new window

OMERO training
omeropres.png Presentation
guide.png General Guide

Many thanks to the OME team for providing us with images and text for this training. You can find the originals here.

LLSM Resources

Navigating in LLSM

The geometry of the lattice and how to move around your sample in SlideBook

Running Checklist

LLSM Running Checklist: make sure everything is set up ready to image

screenshot of CAMDU YouTube playlist

LLSM Video Tutorial Playlist (with closed captions)


Viewing and saving movies of lattice data in SlideBook and Imaris


Viewing lattice data in FIJI and with the ClearVolume plugin

Basic tracking in Imaris Basic tracking in Imaris 7.6.5