Recent Developments in the Patho-Physiological Molecular Clocks Lab
Congratulations Dr Hancox
Most enjoyable and very productive PhD project of Tom Hancox has concluded with Tom's viva. All the best for your future Dr Hancox!
Many thanks to Rick Dunn (now Liverpool), to bring together the supervisorial team with Debra Skene from Surrey, Anneika Leney (Birmingham).
Congratulations Dr Brown
Surviving 1 pandemic, working on 2 continents with 3 supervisors and more than 4 cellular models in countless prototypes of her microfluidics, Lucia concluded her viva and is now on the pass list. Congratulations!
UK Clock Club at MRC LMB
Thanks to the friendly botantists from Gibbet Hill, we went to Cambridge's LMB with 9 people in only one car. A record breaking clock club with a fantastic Keynote from Hiroki Ueda and lots of food for through. Special mention of a travel award to MRC DTP PhD student Vadim!
(missing on the picture James and Rachael)