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Biomedical Sciences


Our research programme in Translational and Experimental Medicine integrates laboratory-based biologists, chemists, engineers and clinicians with computer-based mathematicians, statisticians and data analysts to exploit knowledge derived from fundamental discovery science to develop novel or innovative drugs, devices, techniques and treatments and to provide public health advice for improving the clinical outcomes for patients. The work of the unit is particularly focused on reproductive medicine, metabolic disease and on novel cancer therapy and delivery systems.

Biomedical Sciences News

New paper about the force generating mechanism of kinesin molecular motors

Sumiyoshi et al. is a collaboration addressing a question Robert Cross and Jun Yajima first asked themselves almost 20 years ago – would monomeric kinesin molecular motors tethered via surface loops still drive microtubule gliding? It turns out yes! Scanning a dsDNA tether across all exposed loops reveals a core mechanical cycle of the kinesin-1 motor domain that underlies, and is amplified by, linker docking.

Read the paper here.


Dr Erin Greaves explains her lab's research into endometriosis and how she hopes her work could help millions of women worldwide.