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Research Grants

WMS Research and Impact Services (RIS) supports with preparation of grant applications including costings information, and the contracting procedure post award.


WMS has a procedure for submitting a research grant. The first stage is to submit a Notification of Intent Form. The proposal is then peer reviewed within the Division before receiving internal approval on IDEATE, the online platform for recording all research grants and tracking a research proposals throughout application and award. All staff will be set up with an Ideate Profile Page by the WMS Marketing and Communications Team and staff can review and amend their profile pages via IDEATE.

The notification of intent form will also be received by RIS, who will support as required with costings for the proposal. You can also contact RIS by emailing


A full guide to post-award processes can be found on the WMS RIS pages.

Once you have received the offer, the award passes through the FP14 approvals process on Ideate. RIS will then support with the contract.

Once the contract has been agreed and signed by all parties, it will be passed to Research Finance to set up the R code.

If you need to commence recruitment to the project before the R code has been set up, please liaise with the Divisional Manager. The Divisional Manager can support with the early code and with the recruitment procedure.