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MHWB has it's own Star Baker!

Nihid recieving prize The Bake Off was run by members of the Women of Warwick branch of the Women's Institute (WoWWI). The brief was to bake 6 identical cupcakes of any flavour and the bakes were judged on taste, texture, presentation, uniformity, and originality. Nihid Iqbal scored highly on all accounts with her gooseberry meringue cupcakes and she received a basket of baking related goodies as her prize. There was also a "special commendation" award to Lucca Galetto, the ten-year-old son of a Manuela Galetto a member of staff in WBS, who impressed the judges with his traditional tasty cupcakes.

Julie Taylor, President of the WoWWI siad "This was a wonderful event which showed off the talents of Warwick bakers and we were very pleased to have judged cakes of such a high standard".

Colleagues of Nihid are thrilled with the results of the Bake-Off as Nihid has been a stalwart supporter of many work-place coffee mornings with her delicious cakes. Nihid is retiring at the end of September after nearly 30 years of service at Warwick and she said "This will be amongst some of my most cherished memories of Warwick....seeing President Clinton was amazing but winning the Bake-Off is the must be time to retire!"

Thu 27 Aug 2015, 16:25