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MHWB Researcher Receives Award from Princess Anne

catyaward1Catriona Connell, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow and researcher at MHWB received the 2016 Innovation Award from the College of Occupational Therapists for her research project "Forensic occupational therapy in Europe: An evaluation of current practice" at Drapers Hall, Throgmorton Stree in London.

The findings were presented at an international conference in June 2016 in Birmingham.


International variation in forensic occupational therapy practice was hypothesized, given the sparsity of published literature in the clinical specialism. This study aimed to describe practice in forensic occupational therapy across European nations, with a view to informing priorities for research and development. Data were gathered via an online international survey and analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Where forensic occupational therapy was practiced, findings indicated routine use of the best available evidence; specific attention to the function and meaning of offending; intervention to reduce risk; and the influence of external factors in practice. 25% of countries did not have occupational therapy in the forensic workforce. Recommendations for establishing and delivering best practice through research and development are discussed.

Paper in preparation, conference abstract is here: