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milestone_group_picture_small.jpgThis blog is the story of how the MILESTONE multi-disciplinary research team (consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, young advisors, health economists, statisticians, scientists, administrators and many more…), with the help of University of Warwick’s Public Engagement Team, learned to embrace the new, exciting and challenging world of engaging with the public and communicating research and important matters in a more innovative way.

Back in olden days (circa 1990), “when I were a young lad” (as the saying goes!), research plans were formulated behind closed doors in a patriarchal fashion by those deemed to know better than us (often middle-aged white men) and disseminated in grandiose but ineffective style through presentations to esteemed audiences at academic conferences and publication in scientific journals no normal folk could locate (in their local library) let alone read!

Gladly, all that has changed. These days, lay people involvement in the development and implementation of programmes of research is a funding requirement (i.e. no Public and Patient involvement (PPI), no route forward!) and dissemination is an adventure us dull academics never thought we would go on.

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