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More about Barbara's care

Barbara was 94 years old. In the 6 months before she went into hospital she was living alone in her own house. She had moderate dementia; dementia had been diagnosed over 3 years previously. Her health, activity and dementia rating were all assessed at the beginning of the study. Barbara needed help to live on her own, a family member spent 7 hours per day with her and helped Barbara to change her continence pads, and to take her medication correctly.

Meals were delivered every day by meals on wheels, which Barbara paid for herself.

During the 6 months before admission to hospital when she entered into the study, Barbara received 2 visits from a Mental Health Nurse, 2 visits from the District Nurse and 2 visits from her GP.

Costs of care for 6 months before hospitalisation:

Continence pads, 21@ 30p/pad for 26 weeks £163.80
Medications x 4 @ £48.80 per month £292.80
2 x hospital appointments @ £152/visit £304.00
2 x Mental Health Nurse visits @ £56/visit £112.00
2 x District Nurse visits @ £27/ visit £54.00
Meals on wheels, paid for by Barbara @ £3.44/day £ 577.92
Total: £1,504.52  
Self funded

Barbara was admitted to hospital in January, with a suspected stroke. She stayed in hospital for a total of 47 days. 7 were attributed to the initial suspected stroke, but she was unable to be discharged for a further 40 days because she was frail and confused. 40 days of the 47 days spent in hospital were charged as NHS excess bed days.

After 47 days Barbara was discharged to a Care Home. The fees were £493 per week, of which Barbara and her daughter, aged 73, agreed to pay a top up of £117 each week.

Cost of hospital admission:

7 days @ £346 £2,422.00
40 days @ £255 £10,200.00
Total: £12,622.00

6 months after discharge from hospital, Barbara’s health, activity and dementia rating were assessed again. She still needed continence pads, and help to change them. She had been prescribed one new medication to treat depression.

In 6 months, she attended 2 hospital out patient appointments and she paid for 3 podiatry treatments.

Costs of Care 0 - 6 months after leaving hospital:

Continence pads, 28 @ 30p/pad for 26 weeks £218.40
Medications@ £48.80 for one month £48.80
Medications @ £26.80 for 5 months £134.00
Hospital appointments X 2 @ £152 £304.00
Care Home fee (funded), 26 weeks @ £276 £7,176.00
Care Home fee (self paid) 26 weeks @ £117 £3,042.00
Chiropody x 3 @ £35 £115.00
Total: £11,038.20
Social care

12 months after leaving hospital, Barbara lived in the same Care Home, still paying a top up of £117 per week. She was taking another new medication, an anti-psychotic. Her health, activity and dementia scores were assessed again. She had spent one night in hospital and received 3 visits from the GP.

Costs of Care 6-12 months after leaving hospital:

Continence pads, 35 @ 30p/pad for 26 weeks £273.00
Medications @ £29.80 per month £178.80
Hospital admission x 1 night @ £346 £346.00
GP visits X 3 @ £120/visit £360.00
Care Home fee (funded), 26 weeks @ £276 £7,176.00
Care Home fee (self paid) 26 weeks @ £117 £3,042.00
Total: £11,197.00
Social care
Self funded

Costs of care are taken from the Personal Social Services Research Unit Report, 2011, written by the University of Manchester, The University of Kent and the London School of Economics.