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Costing Vera's informal care

Vera has no informal care recorded.

Her son lived with her, but was often away. He spent on average one week per month at home, during which time he was able to look after his mother.

All of the time that Clive spent at home could be designated informal care time, as his visits allowed Vera to stay at home. This has been calculated at 24 hours per day for one week per month. The costs would vary depending on which rate is used for the calculation. The table below shows how Clive's time might be costed and show how the cost of Vera's care would change.

The total cost of Vera's care prior to her hospital admission includes another hospital admission of 75 nights.

Cost of Vera's informal care for 6 months prior to her hospital admission, using 4 alternative rates

Cost of informal care per month; calculated at 24 hours per day for one week per month using 4 rates
PSSRU costs @ £32/ hour   £32,256.00
Direct payment @ £11.56/ hour   £11,652.00
Minimum wage @ £6.08/ hour   £6,128.64
Average carer’s wage @ £6. 20 / hour £6,249.60


Total cost of Vera's care costs for 6 months prior to hospital admission,

including informal care, using 4 alternative rates

Care costs without informal care   £38,202.44
Care costs with informal care @ £32/ hr £70,458.44
Care costs with informal care @ £11.56/ hr £49,854.92
Care costs with informal care @ £6.08/ hr £44,331.08
Care costs with informal care @ £6.20/ hr £44,452.04