Golden Lwando Mwinsa
Academic and Professional Background
Golden is a Chevening and Commonwealth Scholar currently pursuing his PhD studies in Health Sciences (Health Ethics) at the University of Warwick with funding from the Commonwealth Scholarships. He graduated with an MSc in Advanced Social Work Studies from the University of Dundee in 2019 funded by the Chevening Scholarships. He also holds another MSc in Public Health Promotion from Leeds Beckett University which he obtained in 2014, and a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Zambia which was conferred in 2008, with funding from the Zambia Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB).
Golden is a well-seasoned Social Development, Humanitarian and Public Health Practitioner with more than twelve (12) years wealth of experience working for International Non-Governmental Organisations in Africa at different levels. He served as Deputy National Director for SOS Children's Villages International in Sierra Leone in Freetown where he led a workforce of more than 300 members of staff to provide Health, Education, Humanitarian, Livelihood, Social Protection, and Child Protection Services and Programmes to Vulnerable, Excluded and Disadvantaged Children, Women, Families and Communities. He also served as Technical Manager-Health Programme for Zambia and Mozambique at ChildFund International based in Lusaka Zambia where he led the conceptualisation, planning, implementation and management of HIV/AIDs, Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (ASRHR), Food and Nutrition, Mother and Child Health (MCH), Water and Sanitation, and Covid-19 Emergency Response Projects. He has also undertaken work related assignments in other African countries including Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Malawi and South Africa.
Research Interests
He is interested in ethics, social, health, development, humanitarian, and impact of digital technology related research
PhD Project Focus
His PhD investigates resolution methods of ethical dilemmas/conflicts imbued in HIV services provision in Zambia using international bioethics and the Sub-Sahara African Ubuntu ethics as frameworks of ethical analysis.
Publications and Conferences
Mwinsa, G., L, Griffiths, H., F. and Ferguson, B. (2023) Artificial Intelligence, Data Capitalism, and Bioethics in Sub-Sahara Africa: Conference Paper Presentation at the "Many Worlds of AI: Intercultural Approaches to Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. April 2023, Jesus College, Cambridge University.
Mwinsa, L., G. (2013) Dimensions of Africa's Poverty: Causes, Complexities and Solutions. Lambert Academic Publishing
Professor Frances Griffiths-Professor of Medicine in Society
Professor Benjamin Ferguson-Professor of Philosophy
Contact Details
LinkedIn: Golden Lwando Mwinsa