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Social Science and Systems in Health Unit - Publications 2011

  • Bateman J and Davies D. (2011). Virtual patients: are we in a new era [Letter]? Academic Medicine, 86 (2), p. 151.

  • Boardman FK. (2011). Negotiating discourses of maternal responsibility, disability and reprogenetics: the role of experiential knowledge in ‘Disability and mothering’, Eds Lewiecki-Wilson C, Cellio J. Syracuse Press, NY.
  • Boardman F, Griffiths F, Kokanovic R, Potiriadis M, Dowrick C, Gunn J. (2011). Resilience as a response to the stigma of depression: a mixed methods analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 135 (1), p. 267-276.
  • Bowyer V, Sutcliffe P, Ireland RS, Gadsby R, Graveney M, Lindenmeyer A, Sturt J, Dale J. (2011). Oral health awareness in adult patients with diabetes: a questionnaire study. British Dental Journal, 211 (6).
  • Braubach M, Jacobs DE, and Ormandy D (2011) 'Environmental Burden of Disease associated with inadequate housing'. Copehagen, Denmark: WHO Europe.

  • Brown L and Boardman FK. (2011). Accessing the field: disability and the research process. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (1), p. 23-30. [article]
  • Burnett S, Cooke M, Deelchand V, Dean Franklin B, Holmes A, Moorthy K, Savarit E, Sujan MA, Vats A, Vincent C. (2011). Evidence: how safe are clinical systems? [report]
  • Bywaters P, McLeod E, Fisher J, Cooke M, Swann G. (2011). Good intentions, increased inequities: developing social care services in emergency departments in the UK. Health and Social Care in the Community, 19 (5), p. 460-467. [article]
  • Cameron PA, Schull MJ, Cooke MW. (2011). A framework for measuring quality in the emergency department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28 (9), p. 735-740. [article]
  • Connor, A., R. Lillywhite, et al. (2011). The carbon footprints of home and in-center maintenance hemodialysis in the United Kingdom. Hemodialysis International 15 (1): 39-51.

  • Cooke MW. (2011). An introduction to the new ambulance clinical quality indicators. Ambulance Today, 7 (5), p. 35-36.
  • Dolan A. (2011). ‘You can’t ask for a Dubonnet and lemonade!’: working class masculinity and men’s health practices. Sociology of Health and Illness, 33 (4), p. 586-601.
  • Dolan A and Coe C. (2011). Men, masculine identities and childbirth. Sociology of Health and Illness, 33 (7), p. 1019-1034.
  • Dörries A, Boitte P, Borovecki A, Cobbaut JP, Reiter-Theil S, Slowther AM. Institutional challenges for clinical ethics committees. 2011 Sep;23(3):193-205.

  • Ellaway RH and Davies D. (2011). Design for learning: deconstructing virtual patient activities. Medical Teacher, 33 (4), p. 303-310. [article]
  • French DP, Williams SL, Michie S, Taylor C, Szczepura A, Stallard N, Dale J. (2011). A cluster randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of a brief walking intervention delivered in primary care: study protocol. BMC Family Practice, 12 (1). [article]
  • Fullop N, Walters.R., Spurgeon. P (2011) Implementing changes to hospital services: factors influencing the process and results of reconfiguration. Health Policy Online. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2011.05.015

  • Hacker J, Ormandy D, and Ambrose P (2011) 'Social Determinants of Health - Housing: a UK Perspective', in Policy and Strategy for Improving Health and Wellbeing, Editors Porter E, and Coles L. Exeter, UK: Learning Matters.

  • Hundt GA, Rahi J, Tadic V, Keeley S. (2011). Identifying the content of a novel vision related quality of life questionnaire for visually impaired children and young people - capturing the child’s perspect. Ophthalmology, 118 (5), p. 819-824.
  • Huxley CJ, Clarke V, Halliwell E. (2011). 'It's a comparison thing isn't it?' Lesbian and bisexual women's accounts of how partner relationships shape their feelings about their body and appearance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35 (3), p. 415-427. [article]
  • Ignatowicz A, 2011 ‘Travelling home: personal mobility and “new” Polish migrants in England’ in Isanski J. and Luczys P. (eds.) Selling One’s Favourite Piano to migrate. Mobility Patterns in central Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
  • Ignatowicz A (2011) ‘Changing construction of mobility: Traveling home and ‘new’ Polish migrants in England’, Migration Studies, No.1, pp. 33-47

  • Keall M, Ormandy D, and Baker M (2011) 'Injuries associated with housing conditions in Europe: a burden of disease study based on 2004 injury data'. Environmental Health, 2011, 10:98

  • Kerr DJ and Young AM. (2011). Targeted therapies. Bevacizumab - has it reached its final resting place?. Nature Reviews - Clinical Oncology, 8 (4), p. 195-196.

  • Khogali SEO, Davies DA, Donnan PT, Gray A, Harden RM, Mcdonald J, Pippard MJ, Pringle SD, Yu N. (2011). Integration of e-learning resources into a medical school curriculum. Medical Teacher, 33 (4), p. 311-318. [article]

  • Kilner TM, Brace SJ, Cooke MW, Stallard N, Bleetman A, Perkins GD. (2011). In ‘big bang’ major incidents do triage tools accurately predict clinical priority?: a systematic review of the literature. Injury, 42 (5), p. 460-468. [article]
  • Kovandžić M, Chew-Graham C, Reeve J, Edwards S, Peters S, Edge D, Aseem S, Gask L, Dowrick C. (2011). Access to primary mental healthcare for hard-to-reach groups: from 'silent suffering' to 'making it work'. Social Science and Medicine ; 72(5): 763-772.

  • Kononowicz AA, Zary N, Davies D, Heid J, Woodham L, Hege I. (2011). Push and pull models to manage patient consent and licensing of multimedia resources in digital repositories for case-based reasoning. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169, p. 203-207. [article]
  • Lamb S, Becker C, Gillespie L, Smith J, Finnegan S, Potter R, Pfeiffer K, the Taxonomy Investigators. (2011). Reporting of complex interventions in clinical trials: development of taxonomy to classify and describe fall-prevention interventions. Trials, 12 (1), p. 125. [article]
  • Légaré F, Bekker H, Desroches S, Drolet R, Politi MC, Stacey D, Borduas F, Cheater FM, Cornuz J, Coutu M-F, Ferdjaoui-Moumjid N, Griffiths F, Härter M, Jacques A, Krones T, Labrecque M, Neely C, Rodriguez C, Sargeant J, Schuerman JS, Sullivan MD. (2011). How can continuing professional development better promote shared decision-making? Perspectives from an international collaboration. Implementation Science, 6 (1), p. 68. [article]
  • Lindenmeyer A, Griffiths F, Hodson J. (2011). ‘The family is part of the treatment really’: a qualitative exploration of collective health narratives in families. Health: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 15 (4), p. 401-415. [article]
  • Lindenmeyer A, Jamie K, Griffiths F, Legare F. (2011). 'They're made in factories and not by witches on the allotment': midlife women's approaches to complementary and alternative therapies. Health Care for Women International, 32 (12).
  • Lowthian, J. A., P. A. Cameron, et al. (2011). Increasing utilisation of emergency ambulances. Australian Health Review 35 (1): 63-69.

  • Lowthian JA, Curtis AJ, Cameron PA, Stoelwinder JU, Cooke MW, McNeil JJ. (2011). Systematic review of trends in emergency department attendances: an Australian perspective. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28 (5), p. 373-377. [article]
  • Martin S, Sutcliffe P, Griffiths F, Sturt J, Powell J, Adams A, Dale J. (2011). Effectiveness and impact of networked communication interventions in young people with mental health conditions: a systematic review. Patient Education and Counseling, 85 (2), p. e108-e119.
  • McClimans L, Dunne M, Slowther A. (2011) Health policy, patient centred care and clinical ethics. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 17(5):913-9

  • McKimm. J, Spurgeon. P, O’Sullivan. H. (2011) Clinical Leadership: the challenge for senior leaders. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. September 2011, Vol 72 No 9. pp525-528

  • Molewijk B, Slowther A-M, Aulisio M. (2011). The practical importance of theory in clinical ethics support services. Bioethics, 25 (7). [article]
  • Nichols VP, Griffiths FE, McCarthy CJ et al. (2011). Exploring the use of the 'Adapted Miracle Question' in the assessment of low back pain. Physiotherapy, 97 (3), p. 203-208. [article]
  • Ormandy D (2011) 'Housing and the Domestic Environment', in Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health (20th ed), Editor Stephen Battersby. Oxford, UK: Roultedge

  • Patel S, Brown S, Friede T, Griffiths F, Lord J, Ngunjiri A, Thistlethwaite J, Tysall C, Woolvine M, Underwood M. (2011). Study protocol: improving patient choice in treating low back pain (IMPACT – LBP): a randomised controlled trial of a Decision Support Package for use in physical therapy. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12 (52). [article]
  • Peachey T, Cooke M et al. (2011). Minor head injury in the Republic of Ireland: evaluation of written information given at discharge from emergency departments. Emergency Medicine Journal, 28 (8), p. 707-708. [article]
  • Perkins GD, Cooke MW et al. (2011). The Beta Agonist Lung injury TrIal (BALTI): prevention trial protocol. Trials, 12 (1). [article]
  • Perkins GD, Cooke M et al. (2011). The effect of real-time CPR feedback and post event debriefing on patient and processes focused outcomes: a cohort study: trial protocol. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 19 (1). [article]
  • Pluye P, Robert E, Cargo M, Bartlett G, O’Cathain A, Griffiths F, Boardman F, Gagnon MP, Rousseau MC. (2011). Proposal: a mixed methods appraisal tool for systematic mixed studies reviews, retrieved on 26 January 2011 from Archived by WebCite(R) at
  • Potter R, Ellard D, Rees K, Thorogood M. (2011). A systematic review of the effects of physical activity on physical functioning, quality of life and depression in older people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26 (10), p. 1000-1010.
  • Reeve J, Irving G, Dowrick C. (2011). Can generalism help revive the primary health care vision? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine; 104: 395-400.

  • Reeve J, Abholz H, Bailey T, Bates E, Bond C, Chauhan U, Eldridge S, Irving G, Keong D, Mughal F, Nicum S, Singh S, Taylor C, Younie L.( 2011). A pause for thought: reflections on the 2011 SAPC Annual Conference. Primary Health Care Research and Development; 12: 392-394

  • Reeve J, Salisbury C, Fairhurst K, Adams A (2011) on behalf of the SAPC Executive. The Society for Academic Primary Care: Position Statement. Primary Health Care Research & Development; 12(2): 183-184.

  • Saber W, Moua T, Williams EC, Verso M, Agnelli G, Couban S, Young A, De Cicco M, Biffi R, Van Rooden CJ, Huisman MV, Fagnani D, Cimminiello C, Moia M, Magagnoli M, Povoski SP, Malak SF, Lee AY. (2011). Risk factors for catheter-related thrombosis (CRT) in cancer patients: a patient-level data (IPD) meta-analysis of clinical trials and prospective studies. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 9 (2), p. 312-319. [article]
  • Scott EJ, Dimairo M, Hind D, Goyder E, Copeland RJ, Breckon JD, Crank H, Walters SJ, Loban A, Cooper CL. (2011). 'Booster' interventions to sustain increases in physical activity in middle-aged adults in deprived urban neighbourhoods: internal pilot and feasibility study. BMC Public Health, 11, p. 129. [article]
  • Slowther AM, Dörries P, Boitte P, Borovecki A, Cobbaut J, Reiter-Theil S. (2011). Institutional challenges for clinical ethics committees. HealthCare Ethics Committee Forum, 23 (3), p. 193-205. [article]
  • Slowther A. McClimans L Price C.(2011) Development of clinical ethics services in the UK: a national survey. J Med Ethics doi:10.1136/medethics-100173

  • Slowther AM, McClimans L, Dunn M. (2011). Health policy, patient-centred care and clinical ethics. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17 (5), p. 913-919. [article]
  • Spurgeon P, Mazelan P, Barwell F. (2011). A management control approach to monitor large-scale change: an illustration in the context of reconfiguration. Health Management Research, 24 (1), p. 19-28. [article]
  • Spurgeon P, Mazelan P M. and Barwell F. (2011) Medical Engagement: A crucial underpinning to organisational performance. Health Services Management Research. 24, pp114-120

  • Sujan M-A. (2011). Guest editorial. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, non-peer reviewed article, 96 (1), p. 1.
  • Sujan M-A, Ingram C, McConkey T, Cross S, Cooke MW. (2011). Hassle in the dispensary: pilot study of a proactive risk monitoring tool for organisational learning based on narratives and staff perceptions. BMJ Quality and Safety, 20 (6), p. 549-556. [article]
  • Sujan M-A, Ingram C, Pozzi S, Valbonesi C. (2011). Resilience as individual adaptation: preliminary analysis of a hospital dispensary in ‘Workshop on human-centred processes’, p. 48-51, Eds Carrera E, Greco A, Penco C. CEUR.
  • Sutcliffe P, Martin S, Sturt J, Powell J, Griffiths F, Adams A, Dale J. (2011). Systematic review of communication technologies to promote access and engagement of young people with diabetes into healthcare. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 11 (1). [article]
  • Totman J, Hundt GA et al. (2011). Factors affecting staff morale on inpatient mental health wards in England: a qualitative investigation. BMC Psychiatry, 11 (68). [article]
  • Underwood M, Eldridge S, Lamb S, Potter R, Sheehan B, Slowther AM, Taylor S, Thorogood M, Weich S. (2011). Protocol for the OPERA trial: a randomised trial of an exercise intervention for older people in residential and nursing accommodation. BMC Health Services Research, 12 (27). [article]
  • Underwood M, Eldridge S, Lamb S, Potter R, Sheehan B, Slowther A, Taylor S, Thorogood M, Weich S. (2011). Protocol for the OPERA trial: a randomised trial of an exercise intervention for older people in residential and nursing accommodation. Trials, 12 (1), p. 27. [article]
  • Vail L, Dale J et al. (2011). Healthcare assistants in general practice: a qualitative study of their experiences. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 12 (1), p. 29-41. [article]
  • Vail L, Sandhu H, Fisher J, Cooke H, Dale J, Barnett M. (2011). Hospital consultants breaking bad news with simulated patients: an analysis of communication using the Roter Interaction Analysis System. Patient Education and Counseling, 83 (2), p. 185-194. [article]
  • Walshe K, Spurgeon P.(2011) Continuity and change: the future for Health Services Management Research. Health Services Management Research Journal 24, pp161-162

  • Young AM, Barlow H, Crowe M, Harrison I, Vidall C. (2011). Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in the multidisciplinary team. Cancer Nursing Practice, 10 (10), p. 18-21.
  • Young AM, Kerr DJ, Hobbs FDR (eds). (2011). ABC of colorectal cancer - second edition. Blackwell Wiley.