West Midlands GP STARS - Pilot survey quotes
Interesting quote arising from the pilote study
- Was general practice your first choice post undergraduate training and why?
- "NO - I found the undergraduate GP training under-stimulating"
- "NO - Minimal medical school exposure, not a sexy career, GP's viewed in negative terms at the uni."
- "YES - Family friendly and flexible, able to complete 3yr training in same locality."
- "YES - I wanted a career that was varied and it was what I had enjoyed most of all my undergraduate placements. We had a lot of exposure to undergradute GP and I enjoyed all of my experiences at the various different practices"
- In what ways could weekly GP VTS denaery teaching sessions be improved?
- "More business management etc and how to organise being a self employed practitioner"
- "I have always felt disappointed with VTS teaching, it has potential to be great - after all the scope of topics to be covered is vast. However the teaching I found was largely irrelevant and poorly put together. Especially in the final year we received hardly any career planning advice"
- "I cannot fault the VTS training side of things. Business side of independent GP life would have been nice to have a session or two on this"
- How would you change GP VTS at the hospital level?
- "More focus teaching for the GP trainees as often they are seen as the service providers and don't get much from the structured programmes within the department in specialities can be be really useful for training - A&E"
- "Decrease rotations to four months. Focus more to specialties relevant to GP's needs in addition to the service provision"
- "ST3 hospital trainees should have a one week swap ST3 from general practice so they have more appreciation of the job, outisde medical school."
- "I think overall it is great. I do not feel that more hospital rotations are required to improve training."
- What are your career plans in the next 5yrs
- "Probably thinking about partnership"
- "I expect to be a GP in Australia for at least the next 5 years."
- "I can't see myself ever wanting to be a partner. However should the negative attitude towards GPs continue I will seriously consider an alternative career."
- "There is no way I would currently consider partnership, but I'd be very interested in getting involved with GP VTS"