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Meet the Team

Meet the team

Professor Andrew McAinsh
Deputy Dean & Pro-Dean Research | ITM Academic Lead
Warwick Medical School

Trained in molecular and cell biology at Cambridge and then MIT. Our research for last 20 years has focused on how chromosomes are faithfully segregated during cell division with recent work in human eggs and embryos. As Warwick's Discovery science base has grown I have become excited about ensuring we have the platforms and expertise to translate ideas from basic science into the clinic. The ITM builds on our initial programmes supported by a Wellcome-Warwick Translational Partnership and MRC Innovation Accelerator.

Charlotte Kershaw
ITM Programme Manager
Warwick Medical School

I've got the best job in the world, supporting our medical school research and clinical community to deliver real change and improvement in patient and public health outcomes from their research. I studied engineering at Cambridge and worked in industry for ten years before finding my calling in translational health research, and I'm excited to see what we can achieve through the ITM and the amazing health innovation community at Warwick and beyond.

Dr Suhayl Mulla
Translational Research Manager (Health)
Warwick Medical School

I am an interdisciplinary scientist with an academic research background in biomedical science and mathematics. Transitioning into medical diagnostics, my expertise in practical system design led me to successfully deliver several national diagnostic programmes spanning across government and industry. I am passionate about working at the intersection of health and translational science to drive impactful and innovative research at Warwick.

Dr Erin Greaves
ITM Doctoral Training Lead
Warwick Medical School

I am a discovery scientist with a passion for translating basic science findings into real world solutions that will improve the health of women. Over the last decade my research has focussed on preclinical disease model development and optimisation in the field of endometriosis. I am committed to mentoring the next generation of translational researchers and I am enthusiastic about developing unique, high quality doctoral training experiences spanning university and NHS partners.