TRUE Consortium
TRUE: inTernational consoRtium for qUality resEarch
An inTernational consoRtium for qUality resEarch on dietary sodium/salt (TRUE) was formed to make recommendations to improve the quality of research on dietary salt. Lack of standardization and quality of blood pressure measurement was viewed as a factor, creating controversy about the relationship of dietary salt to increased blood pressure and hypertension. Initially focused on setting recommended standards for assessing blood pressure in human studies on dietary salt, the mandate was expanded, recognizing low quality blood pressure assessment as a widespread issue with the potential to adversely impact all human blood pressure research.
The member organizations and their representatives in the TRUE consortium are
- American Heart Association: Stephen Daniels
- British and Irish Hypertension Society: Francesco P Cappuccio
- Chinese Regional Office of the World Hypertension League: Liu Lisheng
- George Institute for Global Health: Bruce Neal, Mark Woodward
- Hypertension Canada: Janusz Kaczorowski
- International Association of National Public Health Institutes: Antti Jula
- International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation: Alison Atrey
- International Society of Hypertension: Alta Schutte, Agustin Ramirez
- International Society of Nephrology: Ricardo Correa-Rotter, Adeera Levin
- Journal of Clinical Hypertension: Michael Weber
- RESOLVE to save lives: Tom Frieden
- Pan American Health Organization/ World Health Organization (Technical Advisory Group to mobilize cardiovascular disease prevention through dietary salt control policies and interventions): Ruben Grajeda, Mary L'Abbe'
- World Hypertension League: Dan Lakland, Norm Campbell (Chair)
- World Stroke Organization: Graeme Hankey
Observing members are
- World Health Organization: Temo Waqanivalu
- WHO Collaborating Centre for population salt reduction: Jacqui Webster
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition: Francesco Cappuccio
- WHO Collaborating Centre on Nutrition Policy for Chronic Disease Prevention: Mary L'Abbe'
The members of the TRUE sodium expert committee are Drs. Larry Appel, JoAnne Arcand, Norm Campbell (Chair), Francesco P Cappuccio, Laura Cobb, Mary Cogswell, Nancy Cook, Paul Elliot, Feng He, Antti Jula, Mary L’Abbe', Dan Lackland, Graham MacGregor, Rachael McLean, Bruce Neal, Doreen Rabi, Monique Tan, Paul Whelton, Mark Woodward and were supported by Tej Khalsa, Claire Johnson, Alex Leung, Birinder Mangat, and Mark Niebylski.
External experts who contributed to this specific set of recommendations include Mark Gelfer, Pedro Ordunez, Bruce Alpert, Raj Padwal, Lyne Cloutier, George Stergiou, Eoin O’Brien, Don MacKay, Martin Myers, Joseph Flynn, Janusz Feber, Michael Rakotz, Fleetwood Loustalot and Janis Dionne.