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  1. Aburto NJ, Ziolkovska A, Hooper L, Elliott P, Cappuccio FP & Meerpohl JJ. Effect of lower sodium intake on health: systematic review and meta-analyses. Br Med J 2013; 346: f1326.
  2. Aburto NJ, Hanson S, Gutierrez H, Hooper L, Elliott P & Cappuccio FP. Effect of increased potassium intake on cardiovascular risk factors and disease: systematic review and meta-analyses. Br Med J 2013; 346: f1378.
  3. Al-Mawali A, D’Elia L, Jayapal SK, Morsi M, Al-Shekaili WN, Pinto AD, Al-Kharusi H, Al-Balushi Z, Idikula J, Al-Harrasi A, Cappuccio FP. A national survey to estimate sodium and potassium intake, and knowledge attitudes and behaviours towards salt consumption of adults in the Sultanate of Oman. BMJ Open 2020; 10: e037012
  4. Campbell N, Legowski B, Legetic B, Wilks R, Pinto de Almeida Vasconcellos AB on behalf of the PAHO/WHO Regional Expert Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction. PAHO/WHO Regional Expert Group Policy Statement: preventing cardiovascular disease in the Americas by reducing dietary salt intake population-wide. CVD Prevention and Control 2010;4:189-91
  5. Campbell N, Legowski B, Legetic B (Group member: FP Cappuccio). Mobilising the Americas for dietary salt reduction. Lancet 2010; 377: 793-5.
  6. Campbell N, Cappuccio FP, Tobe SW. Unnecessary controversy regarding dietary sodium. A lot about a little. Can J Cardiol2011; 27: 404-6
  7. Campbell N, Correa-Rotter R, Neal B & Cappuccio FP. New evidence relating to the health impact of reducing salt intake. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2011; 21: 617-9
  8. Campbell N, Dary O, Cappuccio FP, Neufeld LM, Harding KB & Zimmermann MB. Collaboration to optimize dietary intakes of salt and iodine. A critical but overlooked public health issue. Bulletin of World Health Organization 2012; 90: 73-4
  9. Campbell NRC, Dary O, Cappuccio FP, Neufeld LM, Harding KB, Zimmermann MB. The need for coordinated programs to improve global health by optimizing salt and iodine intake. Pan American Journal of Public Health 2012; 32(4): 281-6
  10. Campbell NRC, Appel LJ, Cappuccio FP, Correa-Rotter R, Hankey GJ, Lackland DT, MacGregor GA, Neal B, Niebylski M, Webster J, Willis K, Woodward M. A call for quality research on salt intake and health: from the World Hypertension League and Supporting Organizations. J Clin Hypertens 2014; 16(7): 469-71
  11. Campbell NRC, Correa-Rotter R, Cappuccio FP, Webster J, Lackland DT, Neal B, MacGregor GA. Proposed nomenclature for salt intake and for reductions in dietary salt. J Clin Hypertens 2015; 17: 247-251
  12. Campbell NRC & Cappuccio FP. Dietary salt and blood pressure: verdict is clear, so why any debate? Hypertension Journal 2016; 2(2): 57-59

  13. Campbell NRC, He FJ, Tan M, Cappuccio FP, Neal B, Woodward M, Cogswell ME, McLean R, Arcand J, MacGregor G, Whelton P, Jula A, L'Abbe M, Cobb LK, Lackland DT. The International Consortium for Quality Research on Dietary Sodium/Salt (TRUE) position statement on the use of 24-hour, spot and short duration (<24-hours) timed urine collections to assess dietary sodium intake.J Clin Hypertens 2019; 21: 700-709
  14. Campbell NRC, Webster J, Blanco A, He FJ, Tan M, MacGregor GA, Cappuccio FP, Arcand Ja, Trieu K, Farrand C, Jones A, Whelton PK, Zhang X-H. Packages of Sodium (Salt) sold for consumption and salt dispensers should be required to have a front of package health warning label. A position statement of the World Hypertension League, national and international health and scientific organizations. J Clin Hypertens 2019; 21:1623-1625.
  15. Campbell NRC, He FJ, McLean RM, Woodward M, MacGregor GA, Cappuccio FP. Dietary sodium and cardiovascular disease in China: concerns about the methods, conclusions, and evidence review. J Hypertens 2021; 39(7): 1466-1467. [letter]
  16. Campbell NRC, He FJ, Cappuccio FP, MacGregor GA. Dietary sodium 'controversy': issues and potential solutions. Curr Nutr Rep 2021; 10: 188-199.
  17. Campbell NRC, He FJ, Cappuccio FP, MacGregor GA, McLean R. Levels of dietary sodium intake: diverging associations with arterial stiffness and atheromatosis. Concerning about the evidence review and methods. Hellenic J Cardiol 2021; Jun 19; doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2021.06.001 [letter].
  18. Campbell NRC, He FJ, McLean RM, Cappuccio FP, Woodward M, MacGregor GA, Guichon J, Mitchell I. Addressing inaccurate, scientifically unsupported and repeated statements and claims about reducing dietary sodium. J Hypertens 2022; 40: 1831-6
  19. Campbell NRC, Whelton PK, Orias M, Wainford RD, Cappuccio FP, Ide N, Neal B, Cohn J, Cobb LK, Webster J, Trieu K, He FJ, McLean RM, Blanco-Metzler A, Woodward M, Kahn N, Kokubo Y, Nederveen L, Arcand JA, MacGregor GA, Owolabi M, Lisheng L, Parati G, Lackland DT, Charchar FJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M, Romero CA, Champagne B, L'Abbè MR, Weber MA, Schlaich MP, Fogo A, Feigin VL, Akinyemi R, Inserra F, Menon B, SimasM, Neves MF, Hristova K, Pullen C, Pandeya S, Ge J, Jalil JE, Wang J-G, Wideimsky J, Kreutz R, Wenzel U, Stowaser M, Arango M, Protogerou A, Gkaliagkousi E, Fuchs FD, Patil M, Chang AW-K, Nemcsik J, Tsuyuki RT, Narasingan SN, Sarrafzadegan N, Ramos ME, Yeo N, Rakugi H, Ramirez AJ, Estevez GA, Berbari A, Kim C, Ihm S-H, Chia Y-C, Unurjargal T, Park HK, Wahab K, McGuire H, Dashdorj NJ, Ishaq M, Ona DID, Mercado-Asis LB, Prejbisz A, Leenaerts M, Simão C, Pinto F, Almustafa BA, Spaak J, Farsky S, Lovic D, Zhang X-H. 2022 World Hypertension League, Resolve To Save Lives and International Society of Hypertension dietary sodium (salt) global call to action. J Hum Hypertens 2022; on-line May 17;
  20. Campbell NRC, Cappuccio FP, McLean RM. Concerns about estimating the health impact of salt targets for foods. Hypertension 2022; April 22; Comment.
  21. Campbell NRC, Cappuccio FP, McLean RM, He FJ, MacGregor GA. Comment on Hogas et al. Salt, Not Always a Cardiovascular Enemy? A Mini-Review and Modern Perspective. Medicina 2023; 59(1): 51

  22. Campbell NRC & Cappuccio FP. The critical need for high quality research on dietary sodium. WHL Newsletter 2023; September 7; 16.
  23. Cappuccio FP. Salt and cardiovascular disease. Br Med J 2007; 334: 859-60
  24. Cappuccio FP. Overview and evaluation of national policies, dietary recommendations and programmes around the world aiming at reducing salt intake in the population. World Health Organization. Reducing salt intake in populations: report of a WHO forum and technical meeting. WHO Geneva 2007; pp.1 – 60 (ISBN 978 92 4 159537 7)
  25. Cappuccio FP & Capewell S. How to cut down salt intake in populations. Heart 2010;96:1863-4
  26. Cappuccio FP. 'With a pinch of salt' revisited. Clinical Medicine 2010;10(5): 518 (letter)
  27. Cappuccio FP & Capewell S. A sprinkling of doubt. New Scientist 2010; 2758 (1 May); 22-23
  28. Cappuccio FP, Pravst I. Health claims on foods: promoting healthy food choices or high salt intake? Br J Nutr 2011; 106: 1770-1 (letter)
  29. Cappuccio FP, Capewell S, Lincoln P & McPherson K. Policy options to reduce population salt intake. Br Med J 2011; 343: 402-5
  30. Cappuccio FP & Ji C. Less salt and less risk of stroke: further support to action. Stroke 2012; 43: 1195-6 (Editorial)
  31. Cappuccio FP. Cardiovascular and other effects of salt consumption. Kidney International 2013; Suppl.3: 312-5
  32. Cappuccio FP, Capewell S, He FJ, MacGregor GA. Salt: the dying echoes of the food industry. Am J Hypertens 2014; 27(2): 279-81
  33. Cappuccio FP, Neal B, Campbell NRC, MacGregor GA. Salt: friend or foe? Lancet 2013; 382: 683 (letter)
  34. Cappuccio FP, Capewell S. Facts, issues and controversies in salt reduction for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Functional Food Reviews 2015; 7(1): 41-61.
  35. Cappuccio FP, Ji C, Donfrancesco C, Palmieri L, Ippolito R, Vanuzzo D, Giampaoli S, Strazzullo P. Geographic and socio-economic variation of sodium and potassium intake in Italy. Results from the MINISAL-GIRCSI programme. BMJ Open 2015; 5: e007467
  36. Cappuccio FP. Polar Views in Nephrology. Pro: Reducing salt intake at population level: is it really a public health priority? Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation 2016; 31: 1392-1396
  37. Cappuccio FP. Polar Views in Nephrology. Con: Reducing salt intake at population level: is it really a public health priority? Opponent's comments. Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation 2016; 31: 1403-1404
  38. Cappuccio FP, Buchanan LA, Ji C, Siani A, Miller MA. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled clinical trials on the effects of potassium supplementation on serum potassium and creatinine. BMJ Open 2016; 6: e011716.
  39. Cappuccio FP. Salt and cardiovascular disease. Lancet 2016; 388: 2112 (letter)
  40. Cappuccio FP, Campbell NRC. Population dietary salt reduction and the risk of cardiovascular disease: a commentary on recent evidence. J Clin Hypertens 2017; 19(1): 4-5
  41. Cappuccio FP. Invited Commentary: Evaluating population salt reduction programs worldwide: the risk of cutting corners! Public Health Nutrition 2018; 21(12): 2161-3
  42. Cappuccio FP, D'Elia L, Obreja G, Ciobanu A. Dietary intake salt survey in the Republic of Moldova 2016. World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, 2018; pp. 1-108
  43. Cappuccio FP, Beer M, Strazzullo P on behalf of the European Salt Action Network. Population dietary salt reduction and the risk of cardiovascular disease. A scientific statement from the European Salt Action Network. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2019; 29: 107-114
  44. Cappuccio FP, Sever PS on behalf of the British and Irish Hypertension Society. The importance of a valid assessment of salt intake in individuals and populations. A scientific statement of the British and Irish Hypertension Society. J Hum Hypertens 2019; 33: 345-348
  45. Cappuccio FP, Sever PS on behalf of the British and Irish Hypertension Society. Reply to Chiolero: salt intake monitoring at a population level. J Hum Hypertens 2019; on-line Oct 22 (letter)
  46. Cappuccio FP. The 'Four imperatives' of population salt reduction. Arterial Hypertension 2021; 30(1): 13-19. [Review]
  47. Cappuccio FP, Campbell NRC, He FJ, Jacobson MF, MacGregor GA, Antman EM, Appel LJ, Arcand JA, Blanco-Metzler A, Cook NR, Guichon JR, L'Abbè MR, Lackland DT, Lang T, McLean RM, Miglinas M, Mitchell I, Sacks FM, Sever PS, Stampfer M, Strazzullo P, Sunman W, Webster J, Whelton PK, Willett WC. Sodium and health: old myths, and a controversy based on denial. Curr Nutr Rep 2022; on-line Feb 14.
  48. Cappuccio FP, D'Elia L, Rakovac I. Spot urine samples and estimation of population salt intake: the return of the phoenix? J Hypertens 2023; 41: 869-71
  49. D'Elia L, Barba G, Cappuccio FP & Strazzullo P. Potassium intake, stroke and cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011; 57(10): 1210-1219
  50. D’Elia L, Rossi G, Ippolito R, Cappuccio FP, Strazzullo P. Habitual salt intake and risk of gastric cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. Clinical Nutrition 2012; 31: 489-98
  51. D’Elia L, Cappuccio FP, Iacone R, Russo O, Galletti F, Strazzullo P. Altered renal sodium handling and risk of incident hypertension: results of the Olivetti Heart Study. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(2): e0171973.
  52. D'Elia L, Brajovic M, Klisic A, Breda J, Jewell J, Cadjenovic V, Cappuccio FP on behalf of Salt Consumption Survey in Montenegro Study Group. Sodium and potassium intake, knowledge attitudes and behaviour towards salt consumption, amongst adults in Podgorica, Montenegro. Nutrients 2019; 11, 160.
  53. D'Elia L, Obreja G, Ciobanu A, Breda J, Jewell J, Cappuccio FP on behalf of the Salt Consumption Survey in the Republic of Moldova Study Group. Sodium, potassium and iodine intake in a national adult population sample of the Republic of Moldova. Nutrients 2019; 11: 2896.
  54. D'Elia L, Giaquinto A, Cappuccio FP, Iacone R, Russo O, Strazzullo P, Galletti F. Circulating leptin is associated with serum uric acid level and its tubular reabsorption in a sample of adult middle-aged men. J Endocrinol Inv 2020; 43: 587-593.
  55. D'Elia Lanfranco, Masulli M, Cappuccio FP, Zarrella AF, Strazzullo P, Galletti F. Dietary potassium intake and risk of diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Nutrients 2022; 14(22): 4785
  56. D'Elia L, Cappuccio FP, Masulli M, La Fata E, Rendina D, Strazzullo P, Galletti F. Effect of potassium supplementation on endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. Nutrients 2023; 15(4): 853
  57. European Heart Network. Transforming European food and drink policies for cardiovascular health. European Heart Network, Brussels, 2017; pp. 1-137 (Cappuccio FP in writing group)
  58. Gibbs J, Cappuccio FP. More data emerges on the global need for plant-based food systems. Br Med J 2020; 370: m2322; on-line (letter)
  59. Gibbs J, Gaskin E, Ji C, Miller MA, Cappuccio FP. The effect of plant-based dietary patterns on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled intervention trials. J Hypertens 2021; 39 (1): 23-37. (Video abstractLink opens in a new window).
  60. Gibbs J & Cappuccio FP. Plant-Based Dietary Patterns for Human and Planetary Health. Nutrients 2022; 14, 1614.
  61. Gibbs J,Cappuccio FP. Common nutritional shortcomings in vegetarians and vegans. Dietetics 2024; 3(2): 114-128.
  62. He FJ, Appel LJ, Cappuccio FP, de Wardener HE, MacGregor GA. Does reducing salt intake increase cardiovascular mortality? Kidney International 2011; 378: 380-2
  63. Hendriksen M, Geleijnse JM, van Raaij JMA, Cappuccio FP, Cobiac LC, Scarborough P, Nusselder WJ, Jaccard A, Boshuizen HC. Identification of differences in health impact modelling of salt reduction. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(11): e0186760.
  64. Hunt BD & Cappuccio FP. Potassium intake and stroke risk. A review of the evidence and practical considerations for achieving a minimum target. Stroke 2014;45: 45: 1519-22
  65. Hyseni L, Elliot-Green A, Lloyd-Williams F, Kypridemos C, O'Flaherty M, McGill R, Orton L, Bromley H, Cappuccio FP, Capewell S. Systematic review of dietary salt reduction policies: evidence for an effectiveness hierarchy? PLoS ONE 2017; 12(5): e0177535
  66. Ji C, Lu T, Dary O, Legetic B, Campbell NRC & Cappuccio FP on behalf of the Sub-Group for Research & Surveillance of the PAHO/WHO Regional Expert Group for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through population-wide Dietary Salt Reduction. Systematic review of studies evaluating urinary iodine concentration as a predictor of 24-hour urinary iodine excretion for estimating population iodine intake. Pan American Journal of Public Health 2015; 38(1): 73-81
  67. Ji C, Sykes L, Paul C, Dary O, Legetic B, Campbell NRC & Cappuccio FP on behalf of the Sub-Group for Research & Surveillance of the PAHO/WHO Regional Expert Group for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through population-wide Dietary Salt Reduction. Systematic review of studies comparing 24-h vs spot urine collections for estimating population salt intake. Pan American Journal of Public Health 2012; 32(4): 307-15
  68. Ji C, Miller MA, Venezia A, Strazzullo P & Cappuccio FP. Comparisons of spot vs 24-h urine samples for estimating salt intake: validation study in two independent population samples of adults in Britain and Italy. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2014; 24: 140-7.
  69. Ji C, Kandala N-B & Cappuccio FP. Spatial variation of salt intake in Britain and association with socio-economic status. BMJ Open 2013; 3: e002246
  70. Ji C, Dary O, Campbell NR, Cappuccio FP. Spot and overnight urine are inappropriate to assess population sodium intake. Pan American Journal of Public Health 2013; 34(4): 283
  71. Ji C & Cappuccio FP. Socio-economic inequality in salt intake in Britain 10 years after a national salt reduction programme. BMJ Open 2014; 4: e005603
  72. Kwong EJL, Whiting S, Bunge AC, Leven Y, Breda J, Cappuccio FP, Wickramasinghe K. Population level salt intake in the WHO European Region: an update in 2021. Public Health Nutrition 2022; opens in a new window 
  73. Marakis G, Marques Domingues A, Crispo A, Magriplis E, Vasara E, Kontopoulou L, Triantafyllou C, Skepastianos P, Papadopoulou S, Rodopaios NE, Hassapidou M, Zampelas A, Cappuccio FP, Breda J. Pertinence of salt-related knowledge and reported behaviour on salt intake in adults: a cross-sectional study. Nutrients 2023; 15(19): 4114
  74. Maximova K, Elizondo EL, Rippin H, Breda J, Cappuccio FP, Hajihosseini M, Wickramasinghe K, Novik I, Pisaryk V, Sturua L, Aklmatova A, Obreja G, Mustafo SA, Ekinci B, Erguder T, Shukurov S, Hagverdieyev G, Andreasyan D, Ferreira-Borges C, Whiting S, Fedkina N, Rakovac I. Exploring educational inequalities in hypertension control, salt knowledge and awareness, and patient advice: insights from the WHO STEPS Surveys of adults from nine eastern European and central Asian countries. Public Health Nutrition 2023; on-line Feb, 13 (doi:10.1017/S1368980023000356).
  75. McLean RM, Song J, Wang C, He FJ,Cappuccio FP,Campbell NRC, MacGregor GA. Formula-led methods using first morning fasting spot urine to assess usual salt intake: a secondary analysis of PURE study data. J Hypertension 2024; in press.
  76. Modesti PA, Marzotti I, Rapi S, Rogolino A, Zhao D, Cappuccio FP, Galanti G, Boddi M. Daily urinary sodium and potassium excretion in Chinese first generation migrants to Italy. Int J Cardiol 2019; 286: 175-80.
  77. NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level. NICE Public Health Guidance 25, June 2010
  78. Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization. Salt-Smart Americas: A guide for country-level action. Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC; 2013; pp. 1-159 [ISBN 978-92-75-11769-9]
  79. Ribič CH, Zakotnik JM, Vertnik L, Vegnuti M & Cappuccio FP. Salt intake of the Slovene population assessed by 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. Public Health Nutrition 2010; 13(11): 1803-9
  80. Ribič CH, Zakotnik JM, Seljak BK, Poličnik R, Blaznik U, Fidler Mis N, Eržen I, Ji C, Cappuccio FP. Estimation of sodium availability in food in Slovenia: results from household food purchase data from 2000 to 2009. Slovenian Journal of Public Health 2014; 53: 209-19
  81. Rito AI, Mendes S, Santos M,Goiana-da-Silva F, Cappuccio FP, Whiting S, Dinis A, Rascôa C, Castanheira I, Darzi A, Breda J. Salt reduction strategies in Portuguese school meals, from preschool to secondary education – The Eat Mediterranean Program. Nutrients 2020; 12: 2213.
  82. Rodriguez-Fernandez R, Siopa M, Simpson SJ, Amiya RM, Breda J & Cappuccio FP. Current salt reduction policies across gradients of inequality-adjusted human development in the WHO European region: minding the gaps. Public Health Nutrition 2014; 17 (8): 1894-904
  83. Strazzullo P, D'Elia L, Kandala N-B & Cappuccio FP. Salt, stroke and cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. British Medical Journal 2009; 339: b4567
  84. TRUE Consortium (inTernational consoRtium for qUality resEarch on dietary sodium/salt). Recommended standards for assessing blood pressure in human research where blood pressure or hypertension is a major focus. J Clin Hypertens 2017; 19: 108-13
  85. Vasara E, Marakis G, Breda J, Skepastanios P, HassapidouM, Kafatos A, Rodopaios N, Koulouri AA, Cappuccio FP. Sodium and potassium intake in healthy adults in Thessaloniki Greater Metropolitan Area - the SING (Salt Intake in Northern Greece) study. Nutrients 2017; 9(4): 417
  86. Venezia A, Barba G, Russo O, Capasso C, De Luca V, Farinaro E, Cappuccio FP, Galletti F, Rossi G & Strazzullo P. Dietary sodium intake in a sample of adult male population in southern Italy: results of the Olivetti Heart Study. Eur J Clin Nutr 2010; 64: 518-24
  87. Webster J, Waqanivalu T, Arcand JA, Trieu K, Cappuccio FP, Appel LJ, Woodward M, Campbell NRC, McLean R. Understanding the science that supports population-wide salt reduction programs. J Clin Hypertens 2017; 19: 569-576.
  88. World Health Organization. Reducing salt intake in populations. Report of a WHO Forum and Technical Meeting. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2007; pp. 1-65 (ISBN 978 92 4 159537 7)
  89. World Health Organization. Salt as a vehicle for fortification. Report of a WHO Expert Consultation. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2008; pp. 1-27 (ISBN 978-92-4-159678-7)
  90. World Health Organization. Creating an enabling environment for population-based salt reduction strategies: report of a joint technical meeting held by WHO and the Food Standards Agency, United Kingdom, July 2010. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2010; pp. 1-42 (ISBN 978 92 4 150077 7)
  91. World Health Organization. Strategies to monitor and evaluate population sodium consumption and sources of sodium in the diet: report of a joint technical meeting convened by WHO and the Government of Canada. Canada, October 2010. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2011; pp. 1-40 (ISBN 978 92 4 150169 9)
  92. World Health Organization. Guideline: Sodium intake for adults and children. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2012, pp.1-56 [ISBN 978 92 4 150483 6]
  93. World Health Organization. Guideline: Potassium intake for adults and children. Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO), 2012, pp.1-52 [ISBN 978 92 4 150482 9]
  94. World Health Organization. Mapping salt reduction initiatives in the WHO European Region. Copenhagen, World Health Organization (WHO) 2013; pp. 1-50
  95. World Health Organization. Salt reduction and iodine fortification strategies in public health. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2014; pp. 1-34 (ISBN 978-92-4-150669-4)
  96. World Health Organization. SHAKE The Salt Habit. The SHAKE Technical Package for Salt Reduction. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2016; pp. 1-60 [ISBN 978 92 4 151134 6]
  97. World Health Organization. How to obtain measures of population-level sodium intake in 24-hour urine samples. World Health Organization / Regional Office of the Eastern Mediterranean, WHO-EM/NUT/279/E, 2018; pp. 1- 51 (Author: Cappuccio FP)
  98. World Health Organization. Accelerating salt reduction in Europe. A country support package to reduce population salt intake in the WHO European Region. WHO Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 2020; pp.1-54
  99. World Health Organization. How to obtain measures of population-level sodium intake in 24-hour urine samples. WHO Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 2021; pp. 1-39. WHO/EURO:2021-2333-42088-57949
  100. Zakauskiene U, Macioniene E, Zabuliene L, Sukackiene D, Linkeviciute-Dumce A, Banys V, Bratcikoviene N, Karosiene D, Slekiene V, Kontrimas V, Simanauskas K, Utkus A, Brazdziunaite D, Migline V, Makarskiene I, Zurlyte I, Rakovac I, Breda J, Cappuccio FP, Miglinas M. Sodium, Potassium and Iodine Intake in an Adult Population of Lithuania. Nutrients 2022; 14: 3817.