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Dr David Ellard

Job Title
Professor (Research Focussed)
WMS - Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
02476 574650
Research Interests

I am a professor working in Clinical trials within the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit (WCTU) Surgery, Pain & Rehabilitation Theme. Since 2016 I have worked alongside the Trauma and Orthopaedic team at our local NHS Trust (UHCW) helping the team develop and grow its research portfolio. My particular interests are in research methodology and I am often labelled a qualitative researcher but I have a background in wet sciences so understand both perspectives and class myself as a mixed methods researcher. I therefore have expertise in both qualitative (interviews, focus groups and/or ethnographic observations) and quantitative methodologies and analysis. I provide expertise in the design and evaluation of clinical trials in particular process evaluation. Areas of interest in terms of health research include the health and well-being of patients undergoing orthopaedic/musculoskeletal rehabilitation or surgery, elderly residents in nursing/care homes (particularly those with cognitive impairment), low back pain, self-management of long-term conditions and working in collaboration with others aiming to reduce neonatal and maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa (Malawi and Tanzania).


My research career began in 2003 as a Senior Research Assistant working for Prof. Julie Barlow's team in the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Health, at Coventry University. Prof. Barlow and her team were at the forefront of the development and evaluation of the 'Lorig' Chronic disease self-management programme which evolved into the 'Expert Patients Programme'. In 2004 I was promoted to Research Fellow and I was funded on research grants including several small charity grants in my own right including a PhD studentship who successfully completed and published. In early 2008 I moved to Warwick CTU taking the opportunity to work as part of a team doing more substantial projects. I made a major contribution to the OPERA trial which took five years to complete with the main papers coming out in 2013/4. Alongside this I have established myself as leader in process evaluations alongside trials of complex interventions. Since arriving at Warwick I have been a co-applicant on multiple successful grant applications. I am now developing a steady stream of high quality research outputs as projects complete. Within the WCTU Surgery, Pain & Rehabilitation Theme I have a specific responsibility to support and educate clinicians within our local NHS Trust (UHCW). Some clinicians are still in their foundation years, but I also support more established individuals in developing research ideas and helping them prepare nationally competitive fellowship or research funding applications. Alongside my day-to-day work I have an important role in research governance at Warwick. As a member of the University Research Governance and Ethics committee and the University sponsorship committee. I also chair of one of the University's main ethics subcommittees (the Biomedical & Scientific Research Ethics Committee), I make a significant contribution to the planning and governance of research undertaken by Warwick staff, undergraduate/post-graduate students across university divisions and departments including WMS, WMG, Engineering, Computer sciences and Life Sciences. I support research planning and oversight of research conducted with human participants (outside of NHS settings) ensuring the highest possible standards are maintained.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Second Stage NIHR HTA application: Robotic Arthroplasty: a Clinical and cost Effectiveness Randomised controlled trial for Hips (RACER-HIP): Outline IDEATE 65472. Main Trial: 67372. 2&5Y FU: IDEATE 67377. 10Y FU: IDEATE 67377 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Oct 2021 30 Sept 2033
Robotic Arthroplasty: a Clinical and cost Effectiveness Randomised controlled trial. (RACER) - NIHR HTA (second stage via UHCW NHS trust) RACCER (outline record 60354) Main Trial = 62365 (4yrs), Follow-on yrs 5-9 = 62408, and Follow-on yrs 10-13 = 62409 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2020 31 Mar 2033
NIHR HTA Stage 2: Personalised therapy or OpeRative Treatment? (REPPORT) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jan 2023 31 Dec 2027
Stage 2 NIHR HTA Commissioned call 19/124 Effectiveness of meniscal allograft transplantation: METEOR2 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jun 2022 30 Nov 2027
NIHR HTA Stage 2: INITIATE: Increased mobilty in hospital after hip fracture lead by North Breistol NHS Trust National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2023 30 Nov 2026
NIHR RfPB stage 2: Optimising recovery following cardiac arrest: the Cardiac Arrest Recovery Enablement and Self-management Support (CARESS) Study National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Nov 2023 02 May 2026
KARDS NIHR HTA Via Leeds: Second Stage National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2019 30 Sept 2024
NIHR HTA Second Stage via Leeds University: KARDS: Joint distraction for knee osteoarthritis without alignment correction National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2019 31 Mar 2024
NIHR HTA Costed Extension: ARTISAN 12 Months costed extension National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Dec 2021 30 Nov 2022
AddRessing the ImpAct of coviD-19 paNdEmic on the access to and experience of mental health care of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (ARIADNE) - NIHR PRP St2 (Stage 1: 68108) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 14 May 2021 13 May 2022
ARTISAN National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2018 30 Nov 2021
PGfAR Full application: Chronic Headache Educations and Self-management Study (CHESS): Resubmission National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 05 Jan 2015 31 Oct 2020
Development of Individual Supported Employment work-placements to Improve the health-related Quality of Life of people with chronic pain who are unemployed (ISEIQoL)- ARUK Arthritis Research UK 02 Jan 2017 30 Apr 2019
Re-cost- 46594 HS&DR via Queen's University Belfast - REACH- non-randomised pilot study and process evaluation. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2016 31 Mar 2018
3 month extention- NIHR via BTHFT- REACH (original record- 31662) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2017 31 Jan 2018
NIHR PGfAR VIA LEEDS: Strategies to enhance routine physical activity in care homes: a feasibility study: National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2012 30 Sept 2017
Primary care treatment of pain-related insomnia: A feasibility study of ahybrid cognitive-behavioural approach National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2014 30 Sept 2016
Sandhu, Harbinder / Dystonia Society grant / proof of concept study into CBT and dystonia Dystonia Society 01 Mar 2014 31 Aug 2014
NIHR Programme Grant - FULL - Revised: Treatment of Back Pain National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2010 30 Sept 2013
RDS Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Bursary National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2013 31 May 2013
OPERA study qualitative follow-up - VARIATION TO CONTRACT 2 The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) 01 Feb 2011 31 Oct 2011

All authors for Meniscal transplant surgery or optimised rehabilitation full randomised trial (MeTeOR2) : a study protocol

Arnold, Susanne, Spalding, Tim, Parsons, Helen, Beard, David J., Bradley, Helen, Crisford, Peter, Ellard, David R., Ferreira, Manuela L., Getgood, Alan, Guck, Jonathan, Haque, Aminul, Khan, Iftekhar, Mason, James, Milroy, Bryony, Myers, Peter, Parker, David, Price, Andrew James, Smith, Amy, Smith, Nicholas A., Smith, Toby O., Stewart, Kimberley, Underwood, Martin, Verdonk, Peter, Metcalfe, Andrew J.

All authors for Recurrent Patellar Dislocation : Personalised Therapy or Operative Treatment? The REPPORT randomised trial protocol

Arnold, Susanne, Haque, Aminul, Aujla, Manjit, Barrows, Raegan, Beard, David J., Chandler, Craig, Chandler, Elizabeth, Ellard, David R., Eldridge, Jonathan D., Ferreira, Manuela L., Foster, Nadine E., Griffin, James, Mason, James, Mandalia, Vipul, Parsons, Helen, Rayner, Georgina, Stewart, Kimberley, Thompson, Peter, Underwood, Martin, Whitehouse, Michael, Zanganeh, Mandana, Metcalfe, Andrew J., Smith, Toby O.

All authors for Robotic Arthroplasty Clinical and cost Effectiveness Randomised controlled trial (RACER-knee) : a study protocol

Griffin, James, Davis, Edward T., Parsons, Helen, Gemperle Mannion, Elke, Khatri, Chetan, Ellard, David R., Blyth, Mark J., Clement, Nicholas David, Deehan, David, Flynn, Nicholas, Fox, Josephine, Grant, Nicholas J., Haddad, Fares S., Hutchinson, Charles E., Mason, James, Mohindru, Bishal, Scott, Chloe E. H., Smith, Toby O., Skinner, John A., Toms, Andrew D., Rees, Sophie, Underwood, Martin, Metcalfe, Andrew

All authors for A supportive self-management program for people with chronic headaches and migraine : a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation

Underwood, Martin, Achana, Felix, Carnes, Dawn, Eldridge, Sandra, Ellard, David R., Griffiths, Frances, Haywood, Kirstie, Hee, Siew Wan, Higgins, Helen, Mistry, Dipesh, Mistry, Hema, Newton, Sian, Nichols, Vivien, Norman, Chloe, Padfield, Emma, Patel, Shilpa, Petrou, Stavros, Pincus, Tamar, Potter, Rachel, Sandhu, Harbinder, Stewart, Kimberley, Taylor, Stephanie J. C., Matharu, Manjit S.

All authors for Can training in advanced clinical skills in obstetrics, neonatal care and leadership, of non-physician clinicians in Malawi impact on clinical services improvements (the ETATMBA project) : a process evaluation

Ellard, David R., Chimwaza, Wanangwa, Davies, D. A., O'Hare, J. Paul, Kamwendo, Francis, Quenby, Siobhan, Griffiths, Frances, Mhango, Chisale, Chiwandira, Chikayiko, Dube, Queen, Kachale, Fannie, Mvula, Chimwemwe, Mbaruku, Godfrey, Kihaile, Paul, Ndeki, Sidney, Mohamed, Hamed, Pemba, Senga, Shemdoe, Aloisia, Mazuguni, Festo, Bergstrom, Staffen, Davies, Alan, Simkiss, Douglas E., Brennan, Anne-Marie, Peile, Ed, Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin, Slowther, Anne, Chipwete, Saliya, Beeby, Paul, Eloundou, Gregory, Gee, Harry, Patel, Vinod