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Prof Frances Griffiths

Job Title
WMS - Health Sciences
+44(0)24 7652 2534
Research Interests

Information and communication technology in health care; Healthcare in low and middle income countries; Medical technology and the experience of health and health care; Living with long-term conditions; Research methods for health-related research including mixed methods and complexity science.


Frances Griffiths trained in medicine at the University of Cambridge and King's College Hospital, London, and went on to become a general practitioner in Stockton-on-Tees. While working as a GP she undertook her PhD at the University of Durham, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, and was a founder member of the Northern Primary Care Research Network. Frances joined the University of Warwick in 1998 and became founding Director of the Warwick West-Midlands Primary Care Research Network and developed her research interest in the impact of technology on perceptions of health. In 2003 she was awarded a Department of Health National Career Scientist Award to develop a programme of research on Complexity and Health. She has developed her programme of research with collaborators in the UK and globally including Australia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Pakistan, US. From 2020 she was appointed South Africa Research Chairs Initiative Chair at the Centre for Health Policy, University of the Witwatersrand.

Frances uses research methods from social science and health science. She works with colleagues from, among others, mathematics, statistics, economics and organisational sciences. Frances teaches research methods, digital health and health systems at University of Warwick and research methods for the Consortium of Advanced Research Training in Africa. Frances was Director of Research Degrees for Warwick Medical School from 2009 to 2013 and Head of the Division of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School 2016-2019. She worked as a GP in Coventry 1998-2023.

Title Funder Award start Award end
Assessing health inequalities in the prehospital critical care response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients (fellowship for Adam Boulton) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Aug 2023 31 Jul 2026
High-quality Mental Capacity Act assessments for Everyone: improving Leadership, assessment Procedures, and patient Support (HELPS) (NIHR HSDR Stage 2) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2023 28 Feb 2026
GP Management After Transition Events (GP-MATE) - Developing an intervention to assist older patients' communication with their GP practice after discharge from hospital in order to improve patient safety (NIHR Advanced Fellowship St2, Outline: 66387) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2021 31 Aug 2025
SARChI Research Chair in Health Policy and Systems National Research Foundation 01 Feb 2020 31 Dec 2024
Transforming the Treatment and Prevention of Leprosy and Buruli ulcers in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)" Linked to IDEATE 67432-Extension to end date of 30.11.2024 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Dec 2023 30 Nov 2024
EPSRC: Prevention of osteoporosis through early monitoring of multiple measures of bone health in one device EPSRC 21 Nov 2022 20 Nov 2024
Re-evaluating the Remote: Exploring the practical, epistemological and ethical implications of remote qualitative data collection in health research MRC 01 May 2022 31 Oct 2024
ARC 2018: NIHR Applied Research Collaborations National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2019 30 Sep 2024
Digital Good in low-resource settings of Ubuntu Africa: a case study of ethical dilemmas of digital provision of healthcare ESRC 01 Aug 2023 31 May 2024
Research Design Service renewal 2018 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2018 30 Sep 2023
Evaluating the ReSPECT process in the community setting. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2021 30 Apr 2023
NIHR HS&DR Full stage. Termination of resuscitation in UK ambulance services PROTECTED National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2019 31 Aug 2022
COVID-19: Optimising Remote Consulting for Healthcare (ReaCH) training in low resource settings in Africa UK Research and Innovation 21 Aug 2020 31 Mar 2022
Pr-Conception Genetic Screening of the General Population for Conditions of Uncertain or Highly Variable Prognosis: Social and Ethical Implications Wellcome Trust 01 Feb 2017 31 Jan 2022
BOOST - Better Outcomes for Older people with Spinal Trouble National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2015 31 Dec 2021
Variation to funder contract: NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Improving Health in Slums at University of Warwick"_ No cost Extension. Linked to Original award on IDEATE 53815 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jun 2017 30 Sep 2021
Digital innovation for chronic disease management: Building a flexible system to support managers, clinicians and patients EPSRC 01 May 2020 30 Apr 2021
Co-produced mConsulting to enhance access to quality healthcare for remote marginalised communities in Africa. EPSRC 01 May 2020 30 Apr 2021
NIHR GHR SPARC: NIHR Global Health Research Short Placment Award for Research Collaboration_Awardee: Kehkashan Azeem National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jun 2020 31 Mar 2021
Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science (DELTAS) Africa Award, consortium of advanced research training in Africa (CARTA+) Wellcome Trust 01 Mar 2016 28 Feb 2021
How can Remote Consulting Training for health workers in rural Tanzania be optimised to support upscaling to remote and marginalised communities of East and West Africa? Kings College London 01 Jul 2020 31 Dec 2020
ESRC Doctoral Training Centre Studentship Agreement - Tommer Spence University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 18 Dec 2016 17 Dec 2020
NIHR BV Trial via UHB National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2017 30 Nov 2020
PGfAR Full application: Chronic Headache Educations and Self-management Study (CHESS): Resubmission National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 05 Jan 2015 31 Oct 2020
Turing Fellowship Alan Turing Institute 01 Oct 2018 30 Sep 2020
MRC: MRC Health Systems Research Initiative Call 5 Foundation Grant: Expanding and evaluating private provision of mConsulting fo communities with minimal healthcarte access in low-resource settings MRC 01 Jan 2019 30 Jun 2020
NIHR via Nottingham University: Dr Asiya Maula ? In-Practice Fellowship IPF-2017-11-019 The effectiveness of community based educational interventions targeting weight loss in adults aged 18-75 years who are overweight or obese (BMI > 25) with a diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2017 31 Mar 2020
Research Fellow in the implementation of Sedibeng health post and community health worker outreach model WITS 1 Year Continuation linked to main proposal 46904 MRC 01 Mar 2019 29 Feb 2020
The implementation of Sedibeng health post and community health worker outreach model MRC 01 Sep 2016 31 Aug 2019
Development of a selection tool for Community Health Workers in sub-Saharan Africa MRC 01 Nov 2017 31 Dec 2018
Evaluating the Use of Patient Experience Data to Improve the Quality of Inpatient Mental Health Care National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Dec 2015 30 Nov 2018
NIHR Research Design Service West Midlands, Warwick Hub National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2013 30 Sep 2018
Variation to Collaboration Agreement: Evaluating the Use of Patient Experience Data to Improve the Quality of Inpatient Mental Health Care: Linked to IDEATE 46796 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2018 31 Jul 2018
Gatekeeping in intensive care: Understanding and improving the decision-making process surrounding admission to the intensive care unit. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2015 31 Jan 2018
Improving clinical decisions and teamwork for patients with multimorbidity PDG via Birmingham University National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Dec 2016 30 Nov 2017
Capacity Building in Complexity Science - DTC Proposal EPSRC 01 Oct 2006 08 Sep 2017
Exercise in Dementia, DAPA The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) 01 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2017
ESRC DTC- Health system design and the integration of information and medical technology in rural South AFrica: A critical analysis GE Healthcare UK 09 Oct 2012 08 Oct 2016
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2013 30 Sep 2016
NIHR RfPB (Round 19): Warwick Arthroplasty Infection Trial - A feasibility study National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2013 31 May 2016
NIHR HSDR FULL proposal - LYNC: Long term conditions, young people and network communications National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2014 29 Feb 2016
Future Research Leaders Full Application: Selecting Futures ESRC 01 Oct 2012 30 Sep 2015
NIHR Doctoral Fellowship: Jo Garstang - The West Midlands National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2010 31 Aug 2015
REVISED SUBMISSION - NIHR HTA Feasability study 11/31 - Facet Joints National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jul 2013 30 Jun 2015
EINS - European InterNet Science ( Network of Excellence: Lead Greece). European Commission 01 Dec 2011 31 May 2015
Society & Ethics Small Grant (Impact of lay-controlled digital social networks on health and health systems) Wellcome Trust 01 Apr 2014 30 Sep 2014
HS&DR Full application: Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation decisions DNACPR National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2013 31 Dec 2013
NIHR Obesity Call:A Randomised controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness @ families for health,a family based childhood obesity managment intervention delivered in a community setting for ages 7 to 11 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2011 31 Dec 2013
Clinical consultations in primary care using networked communication media West Midlands (South) CLRN 01 Mar 2013 30 Nov 2013
West Midlands Research Design Service Unit (RDSU) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2008 30 Sep 2013
NIHR - RfPB: Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Diabetes Manual - Modelling a New Self Management Education Intervention for Type 2 Diabetes National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2010 30 Apr 2013
NIHR Programme Development Grant: Improving outcomes for patients with fractures of the proximal femurWHITE National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2012 31 Mar 2013
West Mids SHA Research Training Fellowship:How does contemporary health care meet the needs of those living with a poor prognostic cancer and does it need improving? West Midlands Strategic Health Authority 01 Oct 2009 30 Sep 2012
NIHR RfPB:Improving Patient Choice in Treating Low Back Pain (IMPACT - LBP) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2010 31 Mar 2012
Exploring, understanding and reducing emergency cancer admissions (EURECA) Macmillan Cancer Support 01 Jan 2010 31 Dec 2011
NIHR Programme development Grant (Resubmission - Full): How can networked communications be harnessed for use to improve NHS services for young people. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2010 31 Aug 2011
The Emergence of Artificial Culture in Robot Societies University of the West of England, Bristol 01 Apr 2007 31 Mar 2011
MRC IES Platform: The Development of an Intervention to promote walking in primary MRC 01 Jun 2008 30 Nov 2010
Emerging Sustainability University College London 02 Sep 2007 01 Sep 2010
Biomedical visualisations and society ESRC 01 Aug 2009 31 Jul 2010
Mimetic factors in individual behaviour: Health and Well Being ESRC 31 Mar 2009 30 Mar 2010
Mimetic factors in individual behaviour: Health and Well Being ESRC 31 Mar 2009 30 Mar 2010
Pilot study to enhance recovery through physical activity National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2008 31 Dec 2009
SUDI 21 Pilot Project Coventry Primary Care Trust 01 Sep 2008 31 Aug 2009
Discerning Dynamics for Understanding Chronic Illness ESRC 01 Dec 2008 28 Feb 2009
An investigation into the links between a proactive corporate approach to employee health, attendance management and its effect on organisational performance BUPA Foundation 01 Sep 2006 28 Feb 2009
Discerning Dynamics for Understanding Chronic Illness ESRC 01 Jan 2008 30 Nov 2008
Complexity and Healthcare: Primary Care Career Scientist Award 2003. Department of Health 01 Sep 2003 31 Aug 2008
Modelling Proves Data from the Diabetes Manual Trial to Inform the Design of Future Complex Interventions aimed at People with Diabetes Queen Mary University of London 01 Jan 2008 30 Jun 2008
The Role of Networked Technology in Dementia Care Department of Health 01 Dec 2006 29 Feb 2008
Pregnancy and diabetes: Exploring the perspective of women living with diabetes Diabetes UK 01 Oct 2006 30 Sep 2007
The Role of Networked Technology in Dementia Care Department of Health 01 Dec 2005 28 Feb 2007
GP Partnership - Budget 1 Consortium GP Partnership 01 Apr 2004 31 Mar 2006
Study to Test the Validity and Repeatability of the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire Department of Health 01 Mar 2004 28 Feb 2005
Study to Test the Validity and Repeatability of the General Practice Physical Activity Questionnaire University College London 01 Mar 2004 28 Feb 2005
GP Partnership - Budget 1 Consortium GP Partnership 01 Apr 2003 31 Mar 2004
Macmillan Gold Standards framework evaluation (GSF) Data Analysis. MacMillan Cancer Relief 11 Aug 2003 11 Dec 2003
IHTs at womens midlife: an exploratory comparative study of use in contrasting European Countries ESRC 01 Sep 2003 30 Nov 2003