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Lucy Hammond

Job Title
Professor (Teaching Focussed)
WMS - Health Sciences
+44(0)24 765 73080
Research Interests

Student research, medical education; threshold concepts, sports injury surveillance and epidemiology.


Lucy Hammond is Professor of Health Sciences Education. As Pro Dean Education, she leads education across WMS and is responsible for the School's education strategy. With a professional background in sport rehabilitation, she undertook her PhD at the University of Nottingham, Department of Physiotherapy, and completed a mixed methods study on the sociocultural practices that influence the ability to accurately capture epidemiology data in professional team sports. Her research interests are varied and have an increasing focus on medical education. Lucy is passionate about supporting student research and is module lead for Research Methods in Clinical Education for students studying Masters in Medical Education, and previously led Professional Projects and Dissertations for WMS students studying on postgraduate programmes. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.