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Professor Gavin Perkins

Job Title
WMS - Professional Support Services
024 765 74665
Research Interests

Health service research including clinical trials; Critical care medicine with particular interest in the acute respiratory distress syndrome, weaning from ventilation and non-invasive ventilation; Emergency and Pre-hospital care; Cardiac arrest and resuscitation.


Prof Gavin Perkins is Dean of Medicine at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Honorary Professor of Critical Care Medicine at University Hospitals Birmingham and Non-Executive Director at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire. He has published over 500 papers and played a key role in developing the evidence base relating to cardiac arrest through his leadership of the UK National Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes Registry and the PARAMEDIC trials (PARAMEDIC-1, mechanical CPR, PARAMEDIC-2, adrenaline for cardiac arrest; PARAMEDIC-3 IV versus IO access) as well as research on CPR Feedback and Debriefing. Working with colleagues from across the UK, he played a key role in the underpinning research which informed the Recommended Emergency Care Treatment Plans (ReSPECT). His contribution to clinical research has been recognised through election as a Fellow to the Academy of Medical Sciences, appointment as a National Institute for Health Research Senior Investigator, honorary membership of the Resuscitation Council UK, European Resuscitation Council and Intensive Care Society and recognition as a Resuscitation Giant by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Clarivate have identified him as a highly cited researcher, ranking in the top 1% of scientists in the world. As a Masters graduate in Medical Education, Prof Perkins prides himself in the organisation and delivery of high quality, research-led teaching to students and healthcare professionals at Warwick and around the world. Although his role now primarily focuses on leadership he has led the development of novel undergraduate and postgraduate teaching which had an impact on thousands of students and the patients they treat. Prior to taking up the role of Dean he served as Director of Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, Director of Research for the Intensive Care Society and as a MERIT Consultant with West Midlands Ambulance Service for which he received the Queens Jubilee Medals for Pre-hospital Care.

Title Funder Award start Award end
mNCA for OHCAO (linked to 57170) British Heart Foundation 01 Mar 2024 31 Oct 2028
BHF: OHCAO Extnsion British Heart Foundation 01 Nov 2023 31 Oct 2028
DSA with NHS England (OHCAO project, 57170) NHS England 05 Mar 2024 04 Mar 2028
DSA with East of England Ambulance Service (OHCAO project, 57170) East of England Ambulance Service 14 Feb 2024 13 Feb 2028
Awake prone positioning in patients with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure not due to COVID-19: a multi-centre, pragmatic, allocation concealed, individual patient randomised, parallel group, open-label clinical trial (AWAKE-PRONE) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jan 2024 31 Dec 2027
NIHR Senior Investigator Award: Hyperosmolar therapy in traumatic brain injury (SOS) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2020 31 Mar 2027
High-quality Mental Capacity Act assessments for Everyone: improving Leadership, assessment Procedures, and patient Support (HELPS) (NIHR HSDR Stage 2) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2023 28 Feb 2026
NIHR HTA Stage 2: AIRWAYS 3 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jan 2022 31 Dec 2025
NIHR131430: Spinal Immobilisation Study (SIS) lead by Imperial College London National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2022 31 Oct 2025
NIHR HTA via QUB - The Use of mucoactive agents for patients with acute respiratory failure in critical care National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2021 31 Jul 2025
NIHR HTA Stage 2: Pre-hospitAl Randomised triAl of MEDICation route in out-of-hosital cardiac arrest (PARAMEDIC3) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2021 30 Apr 2025
NIHR HTA Stage 2 (stage 1 on ideate 74591) : Ventilation technologies: an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2023 28 Feb 2025
NIHR: Rehab after ICU_Lead by Ulster University National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jan 2022 31 Dec 2024
The impact of withdrawal of tracheal intubation from UK ambulance services: an observational study. Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Mar 2021 31 Dec 2024
NIHR HSDR - Stage 2: Facilitating Access to CPR Training in High Risk Areas (FACT study) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Nov 2021 31 Oct 2024
ARC 2018: NIHR Applied Research Collaborations National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2019 30 Sep 2024
Linked to 50255 ADAPT Sepsis Biomarker-guided duration of antibiotic treatment in hospitalised patients with moderate or severe sepsis. NIHR HTA via Salford Royal Infirmary: 15/99 request for costed extension National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 22 Jul 2022 31 Jul 2024
NIHR HTA 2nd stage. A randomised controlled trial of PAramediC analgesia Comapring Ketamine and MorphiNe in trauma (PACKMaN) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2019 31 May 2024
BHF Application - 3 year extension to OHCAO British Heart Foundation 01 Oct 2018 31 Mar 2024
AWARD: RECOVERY-RS Respiratory Support: Respiratory Strategies in COVID-19; CPAP, High-flow, and standard care (link to 65887 - temp Site agreement) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2020 29 Feb 2024
NIHR HS&DR Full stage. Termination of resuscitation in UK ambulance services - additional costings linked to 58969 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jul 2022 31 Jan 2024
NIHR HTA Trail: Hypertonic Saline versus Mannitol Hyperosmolar therapy in traumatic brain injury - Lead Trust HEFT National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2019 30 Nov 2023
Clinical Trials Unit Research support funding Sep 22-Sept 23 funded 12 month extension - original on IDEATE: 59003. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2023
Continued Support Over 5 yearsOut of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) Registry Project Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Oct 2018 30 Sep 2023
NIHR HTA: Alpha 2 agonists for sedation to produce Better outcomes from critical illness (A2B Trial) Lead by University of Edinburgh National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2018 30 Sep 2023
Out of hospital cardiac arrest regisrty project - Brain injury summit dissemination supplement Resuscitation Council (UK) 16 Jan 2020 15 Sep 2023
OCHAO - data sharing agreement with NHS England NHS England 18 Jul 2018 17 Jul 2023
Evaluating the ReSPECT process in the community setting. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2021 30 Apr 2023
NIHR CDRF Second Stage: A feasibility study for a Randomised Trial to assess Prehospital Optimal Shock Energy for Defibrillation in cardiac arrest (POSED) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 May 2019 30 Apr 2023
NIHR EME Via University of Newcastle National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Aug 2020 31 Mar 2023
Meta-analysis of three large NIHR HTA UK based Clinical Trials in Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Apr 2021 31 Oct 2022
Developing a quality of life instrument for Cardiac Arrest survivors: understanding what matters to patients - related to WCPRS PhD Studentship (66086) Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Sep 2020 31 Aug 2022
Population systems for acute care Digital Innvoation Hub - PIONEER HDR UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Digital Innovation via UoB MOU linked 62868 MRC 01 Oct 2019 31 Aug 2022
NIHR HS&DR Full stage. Termination of resuscitation in UK ambulance services PROTECTED National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2019 31 Aug 2022
Biomarker-guided duration of antibiotic treatment in hospitalised patients with moderate or severe sepsis. NIHR HTA via Salford Royal Infirmary: 15/99 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2017 31 Jul 2022
NIHR HS&DR Full Stage: Optimisation of the Deployment of Automated External Defibrillators in Public Places in England National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2019 30 Jun 2022
COVID-19 and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an epidemiological study Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Oct 2021 31 Jan 2022
NIHR clinical Trials Unit Support Funding Contract 2018-2021 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2018 31 Aug 2021
Research capacity funding for Principal Research Fellow to work on the Breath Trial, Emergency Care Treatment plans and the Compress trial Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust 01 Aug 2016 31 Jul 2021
NIHR EME via UHB: STudy into the REversal of Septic Shock with Beta Blockade (STRESS-BB) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2017 30 Jul 2021
HTA Sepsis via Sheffield 2nd stage. Accuracy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pre-hospital clinical early warning scores for adults with suspected sepsis. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2019 31 May 2021
MATTS: MAjor trauma Triage Tool Study National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2018 31 May 2021
The application of Spatial Analysis methods to clinical trial data and registry data Research Methods Fellowship National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2018 31 Mar 2021
NIHR HTA via QUB: Rapid tests for fungal infection National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2017 31 Mar 2021
NIHR DRF 2017 for Chris Smith: Increasing the use of public access defibrilation in the response to Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2017 28 Feb 2021
DARs: DARS-NIC-351810-N3G6N-v1.5 for Out of Hospital Cardiac registry funded by Resus council UK on 62628 NHS Digital 07 Nov 2020 06 Jan 2021
BHF Application - 3 year extension to OHCAO British Heart Foundation 01 Nov 2015 31 Dec 2020
Survey and Analysis of the Restart a Heart Day Network Resuscitation Council (UK) 26 Nov 2019 26 Nov 2020
Resuscitation with Pre-Hospital Blood Products (RePHILL) via UHB National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 22 Sep 2016 18 Sep 2020
HTA Adapt Sepsis linked to 50225 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 20 Feb 2018 19 Apr 2020
Senior Investigator Award National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2015 31 Mar 2020
HTA Adapt Sepsis linked to 50225 VTC with additional budget National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 20 Feb 2018 19 Feb 2020
UK National Screening Council: Screening to prevent sudden cardiac death in people aged 12 to 39 years old- evidence synthesis Public Health England 01 Nov 2018 31 Oct 2019
FULL HS&DR via Bham. New research on use and usefulness of patient experience data (PEARL) (Outline-45671) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2016 30 Sep 2019
NIHR PDF 2015 - Keith Couper - A feasibility study of the use of the mechanical CPR for in-hospital cardiac arrest. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2015 30 Sep 2019
NIHR Fellowship awarded to Univ of Birmingham. Collaboration Agreement for Heather Draper involvement: NEUROlogical Prognosis After Cardiac arrest in Kids: Derivation, validation and impact assessment of a clinical prediction model ('The NEURO-PACK study') National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2018 28 Feb 2019
Research Methods Fellowship National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2016 30 Sep 2018
Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry - continuation Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Apr 2015 31 Mar 2018
Gatekeeping in intensive care: Understanding and improving the decision-making process surrounding admission to the intensive care unit. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2015 31 Jan 2018
Donation to Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes project (OHCAO) University of Leeds 09 Dec 2014 08 Dec 2017
Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Clinical Trial and Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow NIHR Project Ref CDRF 2013 04 041 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Dec 2013 30 Nov 2017
PARAMEDIC Adrenaline costs for North East Ambulance Service NEAS North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust 02 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2017
PARAMEDIC 2 - Adrenaline Costings West Midlands Ambulance Service WMAS West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust 02 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2017
PARAMEDIC 2 - South Central Ambulance Service Adrenaline Costs South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust 02 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2017
PARAMEDIC 2 - Adrenaline costs for London Ambulance Service London Ambulance Service 02 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2017
PARAMEDIC 2 - Adrenaline costs for Welsh Ambulance Service Trust Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust 02 Nov 2014 01 Nov 2017
Rapid detection and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia towards improved antibiotic stewardship Wellcome Trust 21 Nov 2013 31 Mar 2017
Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship for Mike Smyth. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2013 31 Mar 2017
(LeoPARDS) - Levosimendan for the Prevention of Acute oRgan Dysfunction in Sepsis National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 04 Feb 2014 03 Feb 2017
Input for Research Strategy to the ICF Intensive Care Society 01 Jan 2016 31 Dec 2016
Full Application: Protocolised trial of invaisive and non-invaisive weaning off ventilation The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) 01 Jul 2012 31 Dec 2016
Resusitation Council- Emergency Care and Treatment Plan Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Nov 2015 31 Oct 2016
NIHR DRF - Carl McQueen: Investigation and refinement of the accuracy and deployment criteria for specialist resource allocation to identify cases of major trauma in a Major Trauma Network in the United Kingdom. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2013 31 Aug 2016
Why do outcomes of hospitalised patients with first out of hospital cardiac arrest from Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) vary in England and Wales? National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2014 29 Feb 2016
Co-Director of Research - Funding for one Clinical PA Intensive Care Society 01 Jun 2014 31 Dec 2015
Programme Development Grant via Bristol: National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2013 31 Mar 2015
Network Coordinator funding for Cardiac Arrest Registry British Heart Foundation 01 Apr 2012 31 Mar 2015
Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Apr 2012 31 Mar 2015
Co-Director of Research - Funding of One Clinical PA Intensive Care Society 31 May 2011 30 May 2014
Extension to RMRCT0028 - CLRN application for Research Staff Support: Research Mentorship Programme 2010-13 Samantha Brace: Cardiac arrest - quality of care West Midlands (South) CLRN 01 Mar 2013 01 Apr 2014
MRC project grant via UoB: developmental clinical Studies - developemnt of vitamin D therapy to prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) MRC 01 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2014
Extension and Supplement for project RMRCT0028 - Sam Brace - Research Mentorship Scheme. (Salary only) West Midlands (South) CLRN 01 Jan 2014 28 Feb 2014
MRC CRT Fellowship for Dhruv Parekh: Vitamin D deficiency & systemic inflamation in oesophagectomy MRC 01 Mar 2012 28 Feb 2014
HS&DR Full application: Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation decisions DNACPR National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2013 31 Dec 2013
NIHR i4i via UHCW: Warwick Spinal Immobiliser National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2011 30 Nov 2013
Systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis of pre-hospital non-invasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2012 30 Sep 2013
West Midlands South CLRN - Open call FundingLinked to Paramedic National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2009 31 Aug 2013
HTA Paramedic: Prehospital Randomised Assessment of a Mechanical Compression Device in Cardiac Arrest National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2009 31 Aug 2013
NIHR RfPB via Watford General Hospital: HOPE Trial - Haloperidol vs placebo in critically ill ventilated patients National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 May 2010 30 Apr 2013
CLRN application for Research Staff Support:Research Mentorship Programme 2010-11Samantha Brace: Cardiac arrest - quality of care West Midlands (South) CLRN 01 Mar 2011 28 Feb 2013
supplement to Project 31558 from Hampshire and Isle of Wight CLRN National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 17 Mar 2012 31 Dec 2012
West midlands CLRN open funding call for PARAMEDIC. Linked to Project 31289 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 17 Mar 2012 31 Dec 2012
RfPB via Heartlands NHS Trust: Balti Prevention Study. Full Clinical Trial Birmingham Heartlands Hospital NHS Trust (Teaching) 01 Aug 2009 31 Jul 2012
NIHR SDO: Patient Safety in Ambulance Services, (Revised bid) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2012
BALTI Prevention, Excess treatment costs: the Beta Agonist Lung Injury Trial (prevention) - Main project is 16979 - RMHPC3038 Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust 13 Jul 2011 29 Feb 2012
The Beta Agonist Lung Injury Trial (Prevention): BALTI Prevention Department of Health 01 Mar 2007 29 Feb 2012
Deputy Director of Research - Funding of One Clinical PA Intensive Care Society 01 Jun 2008 31 May 2011
Flu triage scoping project National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2010 15 May 2010
Research Registrar Post for the Emergency, Planning Clinical Leadership Advisory Group Triage Project - Big Bang Incidents, Conventional and CBRN Department of Health 05 Jan 2009 04 Jan 2010
Electronic Advanced Life Support Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Nov 2009 12 Dec 2009
Research Registrar Post for the Emergency, Planning Clincal Leadership Advisory Group Triage Project - Big Bang Incidents, Conventional & CBRN Department of Health 07 Jul 2008 03 Jul 2009