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Rebecca Johnson


Job Title
Associate Professor (Teaching Focussed)
WMS - Health Sciences
(+44) 02476575207
Research Interests

Rebecca's research interests lie in implementation science spanning health and social care. She focuses on three areas of study: mixed methods data integration; the implementation and evaluation of health and social care interventions, and knowledge mobilisation: the movement of research knowledge into active practice-based use. Rebecca is interested in realist evaluation approaches to improve health services, seeking to understand what works, for whom in which circumstances. Underpinning all these areas of research is the importance of how people and processes in health and healthcare systems interact and respond to context.

Rebecca is an internationally recognised educator and expert in mixed methods approaches to health and social science research, with a particular focus on analytical integration and advanced mixed methods designs. In 2018, Rebecca was highly commended in the Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence (WATE), a university-wide scheme to recognise teaching that enhances and transforms the student learning experience. Rebecca currently sits on the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) Pedagogy Network, looking to share good practice and enhance the delivery of high quality research methods teaching internationally.

Rebecca is Deputy Course Director of the Advanced Clinical Practice MSc and Degree Apprenticeship pathways and co-leads the WMS super-module Introduction to Leadership and Management in Healthcare Contexts.


Rebecca has been conducting research and teaching in the health sciences since 2008. She undertook her PhD from 2010 - 2013 studying the implementation and effectiveness of mental wellbeing interventions delivered in community settings.

While working at Warwick Medical School as an NIHR Research Fellow as part of the Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care, West Midlands (CLAHRCs) she focused on population health and wellbeing research and strengthening partnerships between academic and local public health teams.

She began teaching in 2008 on health sciences and public health postgraduate modules at WMS. Rebecca co-led the Mixed Methods for the Health Sciences module at Warwick Medical School from 2015 - 2019, and has delivered mixed methods workshops in the UK and Ireland. Rebecca established and was Co-Director of the BSc Public Health (hons) at Coventry University from 2019 - 2021 and taught Health Policy Implementation and Qualitative Methods in Health Research at University of Birmingham 2021-2023.

  • 2014 - PhD in Health Sciences, University of Warwick
  • 2008 - MPH, Masters in Public Health, University of Warwick
  • 2006 - BA in Sociology, University of Minnesota Duluth
Title Funder Award start Award end
CLAHRC Theme 3 Research for 2019 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2019 30 Sept 2019
PHE Knowledge Dissemination Public Health England 01 Aug 2016 31 Mar 2017