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Seyran Naghdi

Job Title
Research Fellow
WMS - Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Research Interests

Research interests are wide-ranging, including methods for economic evaluation within clinical trials, economic models, trial design, systematic review, and meta-analysis.


Dr Seyran Naghdi is a Research Fellow in Health Economics at Warwick Medical School (WMS). She joined the University of Warwick in 2021, working primarily for the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit as a mixed method researcher to deliver a network meta-analysis on pharmacological treatment for people with chronic migraine and also a qualitative work of participants' experiences for the ARTISAN (Acute rehabilitation following traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation) trial. Before joining Warwick, she previously worked at the Iran Ministry of Health and the Iran University of Medical Sciences. She has an MSc in Health Economics from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences and a PhD in Health Policy from Iran University of Medical Sciences. She lectures on postgraduate modules and supervises undergraduate students at WMS. She is a member of the Health Economics Study Group (HESG).