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Professor Swaran Singh

Job Title
Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry
WMS - Health Sciences
024 7615 0190
Research Interests

I have led three major reforms of mental health care in the past three decades - improving services for black and minority ethnic communities (BAME), developing early intervention in psychosis services, and transition between child and adult mental health care.

My main research projects include the ENRICH programme for reducing inequalities in mental health for BAME groups; the AMEND study to understand the impact of the 2007 changes to the Mental Health Act; the ENDEAVOUR trial to improve vocational outcomes in first-episode psychosis; the TRACK project on transition of care from child to adult services; the EU funded MILESTONE programme on a trial of managed transition across eight countries in EU; the BRIDGE Project on comparing two models of transitional care; Development and Evaluation of YouthSpace programme in Birmingham; Understanding mental health provision for young offenders; the Global Health Group WIC (Warwick India Canada) programme on early intervention in LMIC settings; and the TRANSFORM programme on improving slum mental health in LMICs.

Visit my media page here


I initially trained as a surgeon and became interested in mental health following involvement with human rights groups working with children traumatised in 1984 Sikh massacre in New Delhi. I trained as a psychiatrist at the Post-graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGI), Chandigarh, and moved to the UK in 1991. I was a Lecturer and Consultant in Nottingham and in 2001 was appointed Senior Lecturer at St George's University of London. There I developed the ETHOS early intervention service, which gained an international reputation for its success in improving outcomes for young people with psychosis and for its cost-effective use of resources.

I was appointed Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry at the University of Warwick in March 2006 where I set up the Centre of Mental Health and Wellbeing Research in 2018.

I am a founder member of the International Association for Youth Mental Health. I have also been a Commissioner for the Equality and Human Rights Commission, UK (2013-19) and led the independent investigation into discrimination and prejudice in the Conservative Party (The Singh Investigation).

Title Funder Award start Award end
MRC GACD: ISOBAR: Implementing Early Mental & Physical Health Detection & Support: Promoting a Whole-School Approach to Health & Well-being MRC 02 Oct 2023 01 Oct 2027
High-quality Mental Capacity Act assessments for Everyone: improving Leadership, assessment Procedures, and patient Support (HELPS) (NIHR HSDR Stage 2) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sept 2023 28 Feb 2026
NIHR RIGHT programme - Stage 2: TRANSFORM project (related to 61743 outline): An asseT-based appRoAch FOR improving access to Mental health care in slums: the TRAnsFORM Project National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sept 2020 31 Aug 2025
Development & Evaluation of a Student Wellbeing & Stress Management Module British Council 01 Oct 2023 31 Mar 2025
ARC 2018: NIHR Applied Research Collaborations National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2019 30 Sept 2024
Exploring innovations in Transition to adulthood (EXIT Study) ESRC 01 Dec 2019 31 Mar 2024
Additional funding to Warwick for 63236 / R.MRHW.0130 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Mar 2023 29 Feb 2024
NIHR RIGHT 2 S2 via QMUL: Improving the outcomes for people with psychosis in Pakistan and India - Improvig the effectiveness of community based care (PIECE's) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2020 29 Feb 2024
NIHR PRP: One-to-one Peer support for family members and friends of patients treated under the mentAL health act (OPAL)", National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jun 2021 30 Nov 2023
Midlands Engine Tender. Improving productivity via enhancing mental health Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 01 Jul 2019 30 Sept 2023
The effect on relapse of Culturally-adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) compared to usual care among African & Caribbean people diagnosed with psychosis in the UK: a Randomised Controlled Trial (outline: 54762) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2019 30 Sept 2023
SMARtEN: Student Mental Health Research Network ESRC 01 Oct 2018 30 Sept 2022
AddRessing the ImpAct of coviD-19 paNdEmic on the access to and experience of mental health care of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (ARIADNE) - NIHR PRP St2 (Stage 1: 68108) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 14 May 2021 13 May 2022
NIHR WIC Extension National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jul 2020 31 Jan 2022
NIHR PGfAR via South London and Maudesley NHS Trust: Building Resilience and Recovery through Enhancing Cognition and quality of LIfe in the early PSychosEs (ECLIPSE) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 18 Dec 2014 16 Nov 2020
Improving Children and Young People's Mental Health Care in Crisis NHS Solihull CCG 01 Mar 2017 29 Feb 2020
EU FP7 Health 2013 - FULL Proposal: MILESTONE EU 01 Feb 2014 30 Apr 2019
Centres for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (CLAHRC WM), Theme 3 Prevention and Detection Department of Health 01 Jan 2014 31 Dec 2018
CLAHRC-WM- RCF. Mental health theme budget. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust 30 Sept 2016 31 Aug 2018
Evaluating the Effects of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) in England Using the Mental Health Minimum Dataset National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2016 31 Aug 2018
NIHR FULL via Univ of Glasgow: EMPOWER: Early signs Monitoring to prevent relapse an PrOmote Wellbeing, Engagement and Recovery National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sept 2015 28 Feb 2018
CLRN funding 2012-13 - Capacity building bid for a Professor / Associate Prof in Mental Health. West Midlands (South) CLRN 08 Jul 2013 07 Jul 2016
Improving pathways and care for young people in NI with mental health problems in the transition from adolescence to adulthood Public Health Agency 01 Feb 2013 31 Jan 2016
Funding for Research Assistant support for the submitting of research proposals. Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust 01 Oct 2012 30 Sept 2014
Donation for Edward Peile Apr 2013 The Golden Bottle Trust 01 May 2013 31 Mar 2014
Cov and Warks Partnership Trust RDF funding:Developing Interventions to Reduce Involuntary Admissions to Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust 01 Jun 2013 31 Oct 2013
Mental Health Research Network Heart of England Hub FSF 2012-13: Research Methodologist 12 month post funding Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust 01 Aug 2012 31 Jul 2013
Therapeutic communication in black and minority ethnic populations: a synthesis of the evidence base: Via QMUL The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) 01 Jan 2012 30 Jun 2013
An investigation of the usefulness of social firms in promoting vocational recovery for people with mental health problems. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2010 31 Mar 2013
Understanding the mental health needs of young offenders in West Midlands: Research Proposal and Development of a Full Business Case West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority 01 Mar 2011 31 Aug 2012
Extension to full-time research fellow position for Catherine Winsper Birmingham and the Black Country CLRN 01 Jan 2012 31 Mar 2012
Ethnicity, Detention and Early intervention, Reducing Inequalities and Improving Outcomes for Black and Minority Ethnic Patients - The Enrich Programme Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust 01 Apr 2007 31 Mar 2011
Cross Cultural Analysis of Expressed Emotions Construct in Families of Schizophrenic Patients British Council 01 Jul 2008 30 Jun 2010
Interactive Highly realistic Virtual Reality for Analysis and Management of Paranoid Thinking EPSRC 01 Oct 2008 30 Sept 2009
Interactive highly realistic virtual reality for analysis and management of paranoid thinking EPSRC 01 Oct 2008 30 Sept 2009
Transistion from CAMHS to Adult Mental Health Services (TRACK): A Study of Service, Organisation, Policies and User and Carer Perspective. NHS Service Delivery and Organisation 01 Mar 2006 31 May 2006

All authors for Healthcare costs for young people transitioning the boundary between child/adolescent and adult mental health services in seven European countries : results from the MILESTONE study

Canaway, Alastair, Appleton, Rebecca, van Bodegom, Larissa, Dieleman, Gwen, Frani?, Tomislav, Gerritsen, Suzanne, de Girolamo, Giovanni, Maras, Athanasios, McNicholas, Fiona, Overbeek, Mathilde, Paul, Moli, Purper-Ouakil, Diane, Santosh, Paramala, Schulze, Ulrike, Singh, Swaran P., Street, Cathy, Tah, Priya, Tremmery, Bie, Tuomainen, Helena, Verhulst, Frank C, Wolke, Dieter, Madan, Jason

All authors for Transition from child and adolescent to adult mental health services in young people with depression : on what do clinicians base their recommendation?

van Bodegom, Larissa S., Overbeek, Mathilde M., Gerritsen, Suzanne E., Maras, Athanasios, Hillegers, Manon H. J., Wolke, Dieter, Rizopoulos, Dimitris, Allibrio, Giovanni, van Amelsvoort, Therese A. M. J., Appleton, Rebecca, Armando, Marco, Franic, Tomislav, de Girolamo, Giovanni, Madan, Jason, Manenti, Lidia, Margari, Francesco, McNicholas, Fiona, Pastore, Adriana, Paul, Moli, Purper-Ouakil, Diane, Rinaldi, Francesco, Saam, Melanie C., Santosh, Paramala J., Sartor, Anne, Schulze, Ulrike M. E., Signorini, Giulia, Singh, Swaran P., Street, Cathy, Tah, Priya, Tanase, Elena, Tremmery, Sabine, Tuomainen, Helena, Dieleman, Gwendolyn C.

All authors for 'Are psychiatrists trained to address the mental health needs of young people transitioning from child to adult services? Insights from a European survey

'Russet, Frederick, 'Humbertclaude, Veronique, 'Davidovic Vrljicak, Nikolina, 'Dieleman, Gwen C., 'Dodig-?urkovi?, Katarina, 'Franic, Tomislav, 'Gerritsen, Suzanne E., 'de Girolamo, Giovanni, 'Hendrickx, Gaelle, 'Kerbage, Hala, 'McNicholas, Fiona, 'Maras, Athanasios, 'Paramala, Santosh, 'Paul, Moli, 'Schandrin, Aur?lie, 'Schulze, Ulrike M. E., 'Street, Cathy, 'Tuomainen, Helena, 'Wolke, Dieter, 'Singh, Swaran P., 'Tremmery, Sabine, 'Purper-Ouakil, Diane

All authors for Digital smartphone intervention to recognise and manage early warning signs in schizophrenia to prevent relapse : the EMPOWER feasibility cluster RCT

Gumley, Andrew I., Bradstreet, Simon, Ainsworth, John, Allan, Stephanie, Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario, Birchwood, Maximillian, Briggs, Andrew, Bucci, Sandra, Cotton, Sue, Engel, Lidia, French, Paul, Lederman, Reeva, Lewis, Shôn, Machin, Matthew, MacLennan, Graeme, McLeod, Hamish, McMeekin, Nicola, Mihalopoulos, Cathy, Morton, Emma, Norrie, John, Reilly, Frank, Schwannauer, Matthias, Singh, Swaran P., Sundram, Suresh, Thompson, Andrew, Williams, Chris, Yung, Alison, Aucott, Lorna, Farhall, John, Gleeson, John

All authors for 'Cohort profile : demographic and clinical characteristics of the MILESTONE longitudinal cohort of young people approaching the upper age limit of their child mental health care service in Europe

'Gerritsen, Suzanne E., 'Maras, Athanasios, 'van Bodegom, Larissa S., 'Overbeek, Mathilde M., 'Verhulst, Frank C., 'Wolke, Dieter, 'Appleton, Rebecca, 'Bertani, Angelo, 'Cataldo, Maria G., 'Conti, Patrizia, 'Da Fonseca, David, 'Davidovi?, Nikolina, 'Dodig-?urkovi?, Katarina, 'Ferrari, Cecilia, 'Fiori, Federico, 'Frani?, Tomislav, 'Gatherer, Charlotte, 'De Girolamo, Giovanni, 'Heaney, Natalie, 'Hendrickx, Ga?lle, 'Kolozsvari, Alfred, 'Levi, Flavia Micol, 'Lievesley, Kate, 'Madan, Jason, 'Martinelli, Ottaviano, 'Mastroianni, Mathilde, 'Maurice, Virginie, 'McNicholas, Fiona, 'O'Hara, Lesley, 'Paul, Moli, 'Purper-Ouakil, Diane, 'de Roeck, Veronique, 'Russet, Fr?d?rick, 'Saam, Melanie C., 'Sagar-Ouriaghli, Ilyas, 'Santosh, Paramala J., 'Sartor, Anne, 'Schandrin, Aur?lie, 'Schulze, Ulrike M. E., 'Signorini, Giulia, 'Singh, Swaran P., 'Singh, Jatinder, 'Street, Cathy, 'Tah, Priya, 'Tanase, Elena, 'Tremmery, Sabine, 'Tuffrey, Amanda, 'Tuomainen, Helena, 'van Amelsvoort, Therese A. M. J., 'Wilson, Anna, 'Walker, Leanne, 'Dieleman, Gwen C., 'Adams, Laura, 'Allibrio, Giovanni, 'Armando, Marco, 'Aslan, Sonja, 'Baccanelli, Nadia, 'Balaudo, Monica, 'Bergamo, Fabia, 'Berriman, Jo, 'Rethore, Chryst?le Bodier, 'Bonnet-Brilhault, Fr?d?rique, 'Boon, Albert, 'Braamse, Karen, 'Breuninger, Ulrike, 'Buttiglione, Maura, 'Buttle, Sarah, 'Cammarano, Marco, 'Canaway, Alastair, 'Cantini, Fortunata, 'Cappellari, Cristiano, 'Carenini, Marta, 'Carr?, Giuseppe, 'Charvin, Isabelle, 'Chianura, Krizia, 'Coleman, Philippa, 'Colonna, Annalisa, 'Conese, Patrizia, 'Costanzo, Raffaella, 'Daffern, Claire, 'Danckaerts, Marina, 'Giacomo, Andrea de, 'Dineen, Peter, 'Ermans, Jean-Pierre, 'Farmer, Alan, 'Fegert, J?rg M., 'Ferrari, Alessandro, 'Ferrari, Sabrina, 'Galea, Giuliana, 'Gatta, Michela, 'Gheza, Elisa, 'Goglia, Giacomo, 'Grandetto, MariaRosa, 'Griffin, James, 'Healy, Elaine, 'Holmes, Keith, 'Humbertclaude, V?ronique, 'Ingravallo, Nicola, 'Invernizzi, Roberta, 'Jardri, Renaud, 'Keeley, Helen, 'Kelly, Caoimhe, 'Killilea, Meghan, 'Kirwan, James, 'Klockaerts, Catherine, 'Kova?, Vlatka, 'Lida-Pulik, H?l?ne, 'Liew, Ashley, 'Lippens, Christel, 'Lynch, Fionnuala, 'Macchi, Francesca, 'Manenti, Lidia, 'Margari, Francesco, 'Margari, Lucia, 'Martinelli, Paola, 'McDonald, James, 'McFadden, Leighton, 'Menghini, Deny, 'Migone, Maria, 'Miller, Sarah, 'Monzani, Emiliano, 'Morini, Giorgia, 'Mutafov, Todor, 'Nacinovich, Renata, 'Negrinotti, Cristina, 'Nelis, Emmanuel, 'Neri, Francesca, 'Nikolova, Paulina, 'Nossa, Marzia, 'Noterdaeme, Michele, 'Operto, Francesca, 'Panaro, Vittoria, 'Parenti, Aesa, 'Pastore, Adriana, 'Pemmaraju, Vinuthna, 'Pepermans, Ann, 'Petruzzelli, Maria Giuseppina, 'Presicci, Anna, 'Prigent, Catherine, 'Rinaldi, Francesco, 'Riva, Erika, 'Rivolta, Laura, 'Roekens, Anne, 'Rogers, Ben, 'Ronzini, Pablo, 'Sakar, Vehbi, 'Salvetti, Selena, 'Sandhu, Tanveer, 'Schepker, Renate, 'Scocco, Paolo, 'Siviero, Marco, 'Slowik, Michael, 'Smyth, Courtney, 'Spadone, Maria Antonietta, 'Speranza, Mario, 'Stagi, Paolo, 'Stagni, Pamela, 'Starace, Fabrizio, 'Stoppa, Patrizia, 'Tansini, Lucia, 'Toselli, Cecilia, 'Trabucchi, Guido, 'Tubito, Maria, 'Dam, Arno van, 'Gutschoven, Hanne Van, 'West, Dirk van, 'Vanni, Fabio, 'Vannicola, Chiara, 'Varuzza, Cristiana, 'Varvara, Pamela, 'Ventura, Patrizia, 'Vicari, Stefano, 'Vicini, Stefania, 'Bentzel, Carolin von, 'Wells, Philip, 'Williams, Beata, 'Zabarella, Marina, 'Zamboni, Anna, 'Zanetti, Edda

All authors for Development and validation of a nonremission risk prediction model in first-episode psychosis : an analysis of 2 longitudinal studies

Leighton, Samuel P., Krishnadas, Rajeev, Upthegrove, Rachel, Marwaha, Steven, Steyerberg, Ewout W., Gkoutos, Georgios V., Broome, Matthew R., Liddle, Peter F., Everard, Linda, Singh, Swaran P., Freemantle, Nicholas, Fowler, David, Jones, Peter B., Sharma, Vimal, Murray, Robin M, Wykes, Til, Drake, Richard J., Buchan, Iain, Rogers, Simon, Cavanagh, Jonathan, Lewis, Shon W., Birchwood, Max, Mallikarjun, Pavan K.

All authors for Protocol for the development and validation procedure of the managing the link and strengthening transition from child to adult mental health care (MILESTONE) suite of measures

Santosh, P., Adams, L., Fiori, F., Davidovic, N., de Girolamo, G., Dieleman, G. C., Franic, T., Heaney, N., Lievesley, K., Madan, Jason, Maras, A., Mastroianni, M., McNicholas, F., Paul, Moli, Purper-Ouakil, D., Sagar-Ouriaghli, I., Schulze, U., Signorini, G., Street, Catherine, Tah, Priya, Tremmery, S., Tuomainen, Helena, Verhulst, F. C., Warwick, Jane, Wolke, Dieter, Singh, J., Singh, Swaran P.

All authors for Validation of the Transition Readiness and Appropriateness Measure (TRAM) for the Managing the Link and Strengthening Transition from Child to Adult Mental Healthcare in Europe (MILESTONE) study

Santosh, Paramala, Singh, Jatinder, Adams, Laura, Mastroianni, Mathilde, Heaney, Natalie, Lievesley, Kate, Sagar-Ouriaghli, Ilyas, Allibrio, Giovanni, Appleton, Rebecca, Davidovic, Nikolina, de Girolamo, Giovanni, Dieleman, Gwen, Dodig-Curkovic, Katarina, Franic, Tomislav, Gatherer, Charlotte, Gerritsen, Suzanne, Gheza, Elisa, Madan, Jason, Manenti, Lidia, Maras, Athanasios, Margari, Francesco, McNicholas, Fiona, Pastore, Adriana, Paul, Moli, Purper-Ouakil, Diane, Rinaldi, Francesco, Sakar, Vehbi, Schulze, Ulrike, Signorini, Giulia, Street, Cathy, Tah, Priya, Tremmery, Sabine, Tuffrey, Amanda, Tuomainen, Helena, Verhulst, Frank, Warwick, Jane, Wilson, Anna, Wolke, Dieter, Fiori, Federico, Singh, Swaran

All authors for A cross-cultural qualitative study of the ethical aspects in the transition from child mental health services to adult mental health services

O'Hara, Lesley, Holme, Ingrid, Tah, Priya, Franic, Tomislav, Vrljicak Davidovic, Nikolina, Paul, Moli, Singh, Swaran P., Street, Cathy, Tuomainen, Helena, Schulze, Ulrike, McNicholas, Fiona, Madan, Jason, Wolke, Dieter, Warwick, Jane, Canaway, Alastair, Griffin, James, Appleton, Rebecca, Tuffrey, Amanda, Wilson, Anna, Gatherer, Charlotte, Walker, Leanne, Girolamo, Giovanni, Signorini, Giulia, Ferrari, Alessandro, Gheza, Elisa, Ferrari, Cecilia, Rivolta, Laura, Levi, Flavia, Cataldo, Maria, Manenti, Lidia, Morini, Giorgia, Pastore, Adriana, Toselli, Cecilia, Varvara, Pamela, Santosh, Paramala, Sagar-Ouriaghli, Ilyas, Heaney, Natalie, Singh, Jatinder, Purper-Ouakil, Diane, Russet, Frédérick, Maurice, Virginie, Humbertclaude, Véronique, Maras, Athanasios, Bodegom, Larissa, Overbeek, Mathilde, Fegert, Jörg M., Plener, Paul, Saam, Melanie, Breuninger, Ulrike, Schepker, Renate, Noterdaeme, Michele, Tremmery, Sabine, Hendrickx, Gaëlle, Gronostaj, Aleksandra, McKenna, Rachael, Lievesley, Kate, Fiori, Federico, Verhulst, Frank, Dieleman, Gwen C., Gerritsen, Suzanne, Wohner, Andrea

All authors for Early signs monitoring to prevent relapse in psychosis and promote well-being, engagement, and recovery : protocol for a feasibility cluster randomized controlled trial harnessing mobile phone technology blended with peer support

Gumley, Andrew, Bradstreet, Simon, Ainsworth, John, Allan, Stephanie, Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario, Beattie, Louise, Bell, Imogen, Birchwood, Max, Briggs, Andrew, Bucci, Sandra, Castagnini, Emily, Clark, Andrea, Cotton, Sue M, Engel, Lidia, French, Paul, Lederman, Reeva, Lewis, Shon, Machin, Matthew, MacLennan, Graeme, Matrunola, Claire, McLeod, Hamish, McMeekin, Nicola, Mihalopoulos, Cathrine, Morton, Emma, Norrie, John, Reilly, Frank, Schwannauer, Matthias, Singh, Swaran P., Smith, Lesley, Sundram, Suresh, Thomson, David, Thompson, Andrew, Whitehill, Helen, Wilson-Kay, Alison, Williams, Christopher, Yung, Alison, Farhall, John, Gleeson, John

All authors for Development and validation of multivariable prediction models of remission, recovery, and quality of life outcomes in people with first episode psychosis : a machine learning approach

Leighton, Samuel P., Upthegrove, Rachel, Krishnadas, Rajeev, Benros, Michael E., Broome, Matthew R., Gkoutos, Georgios V., Liddle, Peter F., Singh, Swaran P., Everard, Linda, Jones, Peter B., Fowler, David, Sharma, Vimal, Freemantle, Nicholas, Christensen, Rune H. B., Albert, Nikolai, Nordentoft, Merete, Schwannauer, Matthias, Cavanagh, Jonathan, Gumley, Andrew I., Birchwood, Max, Mallikarjun, Pavan K.

All authors for The CIRCuiTS study (Implementation of cognitive remediation in early intervention services) : protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Wykes, Til, Joyce, Eileen, Velikonja, Tjasa, Watson, Andrew, Aarons, Gregory, Birchwood, M. J., Cella, Matteo, Dopson, Sue, Fowler, David, Greenwood, Kathy, Johnson, Sonia, McCrone, Paul, Perez, Jesus, Pickles, Andrew, Reeder, Clare, Rose, Diana, Singh, Swaran P., Stringer, Dominic, Taylor, Matthew, Taylor, Rumina, Upthegrove, Rachel

All authors for The interface between child/adolescent and adult mental health services : results from a European 28-country survey

Signorini, Giulia, Singh, Swaran P., Marsanic, Vlatka Boricevic, Dieleman, Gwen, Dodig-Curkovic, Katarina, Franic, Tomislav, Gerritsen, Suzanne E., Griffin, James M., Maras, Athanasios, McNicholas, Fiona, O'Hara, Lesley, Purper-Ouakil, Diane, Paul, Moli, Russet, Frederick, Santosh, Paramala, Schulze, Ulrike, Street, Catherine, Tremmery, Sabine, Tuomainen, Helena, Verhulst, Frank, Warwick, Jane, de Girolamo, Giovanni

All authors for Protocol for a cohort study of adolescent mental health service users with a nested cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of managed transition in improving transitions from child to adult mental health services (the MILESTONE study)

Singh, Swaran P., Tuomainen, Helena, de Girolamo, Giovanni, Maras, Athanasios, Santosh, Paramala, McNicholas, Fiona, Schulze, Ulrike, Purper-Ouakil, Diane, Tremmery, Sabine, Franic, Tomislav, Madan, Jason, Paul, Moli, Verhulst, F. C., Dieleman, Gwen, Warwick, Jane, Wolke, Dieter, Street, Catherine, Daffern, Claire, Tah, Priya, Griffin, James M., Canaway, Alastair, Signorini, Giulia, Gerritsen, Suzanne E., Adams, Laura, O?Hara, Lesley, Aslan, Sonya, Russet, Frédérick, Davidovi?, Nikolina, Tuffrey, Amanda, Wilson, Anna, Gatherer, Charlotte

All authors for Global research priorities for youth mental health

Mei, Cristina, Fitzsimons, Joanna, Allen, Nicholas, Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario, Amminger, Günter Paul, Browne, Vivienne, Cannon, Mary, Davis, Maryann, Dooley, Barbara, Hickie, Ian B., Iyer, Srividya, Killackey, Eóin, Malla, Ashok, Manion, Ian, Mathias, Steve, Pennell, Kerryn, Purcell, Rosemary, Rickwood, Debra, Singh, Swaran P., Wood, Stephen J., Yung, Alison, McGorry, Patrick D.

All authors for Adolescents and young adults who are not in employment, education, or training

Scott, Jan, Fowler, D. Robert, McGorry, Patrick D., Birchwood, M. J., Killackey, Eóin, Christensen, Helen, Ph.D., Glozier, Nicholas, Yung, Alison, Power, Paddy, Nordentoft, Merete, Singh, Swaran P., Brietzke, Elisa, Davidson, S. (Simon), Conus, Phillipe, Bellivier, Frank, Delorme, Richard, Macmillan, Iain, Buchanan, J. (John), Colom, Francesc, Vieta, Eduard, Bauer, Michael, McGuire, Philip, Merikangas, Kathleen, Hickie, Ian