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Professor Sian Taylor-Phillips

Job Title
WMS - Health Sciences
+44(0) 2476 575882
Research Interests

My research focus is health screening and testing. I lead Warwick Screening, ( an interdisciplinary team specialising in evaluating medical screening programmes. We undertake primary and secondary research about whether to implement new screening programmes and tests, test accuracy, quality assurance and improvement. I enjoy teaching to a range of students at several universities, and lead the Heath Screening masters module which is collaboration with the UK National Screening Committee and Public Health England Screening.


My research focuses on synthesising evidence for national policy advisers such as the UK National Screening Committee and NICE. Recent topics have included screening for diabetes, group B streptococcus in pregnancy, rare diseases using the newborn blood spot test, sudden cardiac death in the young, and lynch syndrome in high risk groups. I am also interested in developing new methods of evidence review, and currently undertaking an NIHR funded evaluation of methods of evaluating changes to screening programmes. My primary research interest is breast cancer screening. I lead the POSTBOx study, an NIHR funded evaluation of breast cancer screening using the routine records of 13 million women. This study focuses on how different versions of the breast screening test impact on patient outcomes. This leads on from an NIHR funded CO-OPS randomised controlled trial of a change to breast cancer screening, in which I randomised 1.2 million women across 46 centres in England. A range of my other projects in breast cancer screening can be found here

Title Funder Award start Award end
NIHR HTA via UoB: SMALL: A Phase III, randomised, multi-centre trial addressing overtreatment of small, screen-detected detected breast cancer by comparing standard surgery with minimally invasive vacuum-assisted excision National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Oct 2018 30 Sep 2029
NIHR Evidence Synthesis Group stage 2 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2023 31 Mar 2028
NIHR Professorship taylor-phillips National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Dec 2022 30 Nov 2027
TAR 3 - Production of Technology Assessment Reviews (TAR) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2022 31 Mar 2027
NIHR EME NIHR150502 via Bristol: : Diagnostic yield study to determine whether an abbreviated form of breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FAST MRI) can detect breast cancers missed by screening mammography for women at population risk of breast cancer with average mammographic density following their initial screening mammogram National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 May 2023 31 Oct 2026
Amendment to NIHR i4i via Imperial College London - Detection of metastatic axillary sentinel lymph nodes using ultrafast, super-resolution, dual-contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging in patients with breast cancer. Costed 1 year extension for LiSENUS (IDEATE 62620) i4i National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Oct 2023 30 Sep 2024
CRUK surrogates systematic review Cancer Research UK 01 Sep 2022 31 Jul 2024
NIHR HS&DR:Costed extension for RECEDE Study-linked to IDEATE 62694 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Nov 2022 30 Jun 2024
SLOANE atypia National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Dec 2021 31 Dec 2023
Observational study of Age, test THreshold and frequency on English NAtional Mammography screening outcomes (ATHENA-M) DSA Uni of Birmingham links to 64850 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2023
NIHR HS&DR Stage 2: Adapting Breast Cancer Screening to MAximise Mortality Benefit and Minimise Overdiagnosis harm (Adapt-MAMMO) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Jan 2021 31 Dec 2023
NIHR i4i via Imperial College London - Detection of metastatic axillary sentinel lymph nodes using ultrafast, super-resolution, dual-contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging in patients with breast cancer. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2020 30 Sep 2023
WHO: Diabetes screening and prevention reports World Health Organisation 29 Apr 2022 28 Feb 2023
RECEDE study (Reducing Colonoscopies in those without bowEl DiseasE) HS&DR Stage 2 (Stage 1 - 60439) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 May 2020 31 Oct 2022
NIHR Career Development Fellowship 2016 round National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2017 31 Oct 2022
NIHR TAR2 12 month extension and supplement - orginal award on IDEATE number 00169 under Aileen Clarke National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2021 31 Mar 2022
HTA application 18/33 Valuing the benefits and harms of antenatal and new born screening programmes in the UK: Full Stage National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2020 30 Dec 2021
PHE Framework application: Cost-effectiveness of newborn blood spot screening for Tyrosinaemia type 1 using tandem mass spectrometry - an extension Public Health England 08 Jan 2021 31 Jul 2021
COVID systematic review WHO 06 Jan 2021 31 Jul 2021
NIHR HTA 17/148 - Health Technology Assessment Programme researcher-led evidence synthesis: Determining optimal dietary and physical activity interventions for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a global data integration and network meta-analysis National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2019 31 Jul 2021
PHE Tender: Artificial Intelligence in screening Public Health England 01 Sep 2020 30 Jun 2021
NIHR DRF 2016 - Karoline Freeman: What is the role of faecal calprotectin testing for the differentiation between IBS and IBD in primary care? National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2016 30 Sep 2020
PHE TENDER under Framework agreement rates: UKNSC Screening for hemochromatosis Public Health England 01 Jan 2020 30 Jun 2020
Arbitration in breast cancer screening Public Health England 01 Jan 2020 31 Mar 2020
PHE: National Screening Committee Tender: Screening for Type 2 Diabetes in adults Public Health England 01 Jul 2018 31 Dec 2019
UK National Screening Council: Screening to prevent sudden cardiac death in people aged 12 to 39 years old- evidence synthesis Public Health England 01 Nov 2018 31 Oct 2019
CLAHRC Theme 3 Research for 2019 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2019 30 Sep 2019
The communication of benign biopsy results in breast cancer screening Public Health England 01 Oct 2015 30 Sep 2019
National Screening Committee via Public Health England - TENDER: Non-invasive prenatal testing for T21, T18 and T13: an evidence review Public Health England 01 Apr 2018 31 Aug 2019
ITT: 2733 - Ultrasound Mammography Screening Review Public Health England 01 May 2017 30 Apr 2019
PHE: PHE:National Screening Committee: Newborn screening for tyrosinaemia type 1: screening and cost-effectiveness Public Health England 01 Mar 2018 28 Feb 2019
Clinical and cost effectiveness of different quality assurance strategies in screening UK National Screening Committee 01 Feb 2017 31 Jan 2019
Centres for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (CLAHRC WM), Theme 3 Prevention and Detection Department of Health 01 Jan 2014 31 Dec 2018
UKNSC Tender Public Health England 01 Oct 2015 30 Sep 2018
PHE Public Health England 01 Mar 2018 31 Aug 2018
Infrastructure Doctoral Training Exchange Scheme - Jennifer Cooper National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2016 31 May 2017
Tyrosinemia Review (part of NSC framework agreement) Public Health England 01 Oct 2015 31 Dec 2016
National Screening Committee (NSC) - Evaluation of Screening Education UK National Screening Committee 01 May 2015 31 Dec 2016
Group B Strep Public Health England 01 Mar 2016 30 Sep 2016
ESRC Studentship - using international data to inform screening policy ESRC 01 Oct 2013 30 Sep 2016
41723 extention- Commissioned work NSC Public Health England 01 Oct 2015 31 Mar 2016
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing ( NIPT) Evidence Review Public Health England 01 Sep 2014 31 Dec 2015
Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness AnalysisNIHR-CTF-2013-02-011NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2015 31 Oct 2015
Do visual cues help or hinder decisions regarding the presence or absence of cancer indicators in simulated mammograms? British Academy 31 Aug 2013 31 Aug 2015
Improving breast cancer screening performance through understanding radiologist performance patterns National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2014
Improving breast cancer detection rates through understanding and modelling the patterns of radiologist performance Breast Cancer Campaign 01 Oct 2011 30 Sep 2014
Blood Spot Public Health England 01 Oct 2013 31 Mar 2014