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Dr William Tigbe

Job Title
Clinical Education Fellow
WMS - Statistics and Epidemiology
+44 2476150539
Research Interests

Dr. Tigbe's research interest is in obesity and cardiovascular risk prevention. Dr. Tigbe has examined the healthcare cost of changes in body mass index in the UK Counterweight project. He is involved in examining the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in South Africa.


Upon graduation from medicine in the Medical University of Warsaw in Poland in 1999, Dr. Tigbe returned to his native Ghana where he practised as a junior doctor mainly in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Thereafter, Dr. Tigbe completed the Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Glasgow in 2004 and a PhD in Physical Activity, Diet and Cardiovascular Disease in Glasgow Caledonian University in 2010. He also completed the Master of Public Health (MPH) in the University of Glasgow in 2010. Dr. Tigbe also holds a certificate in Food Security from Ryerson University. During the period in Glasgow, Dr. Tigbe also practised clinical medicine as a junior doctor in various clinical specialties. Dr. Tigbe joined the University of Warwick as a Clinical Lecturer and Specialty Registrar in Public Health in 2011. He is thus working towards specialisation in Public Health Medicine.

Title Funder Award start Award end
National Screening Committee: Commissioned work, Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Public Health England 01 Oct 2013 31 Dec 2013