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Current Projects

We run a number of different projects that both students and faculty can get involved in. Projects run throughout the year, and welcome new team members at any stage.

If you want to get involved in a specific project, then have a little read below.

Alternatively, as a network we host events throughout the year if you would like to join us for a one off.

If you have a new project idea, please get in touch at any point.

student travel survey poster

Active Travel

Our first student travel survey looked at how our medical students travel to University and Clinical Placements, and we are looking at ways to encourage more sustainable travel options.

See our Publications and Reports section for more details.

a person holding a basket of vegetables


We are currently in the process of setting up a Community Gardening Project in the local are for people who are unable to mantain their gardens.

We also have a thriving vegetable patch at WMS which staff and students have been havresting over the summer!

We are also currently in the process of propagating in preparation for our House Plant fundraiser at beginning of term!

WMS sustainability network logo


Coming soon...

ventolin inhaler

Green Prescribing

Coming soon...

a photo of a bin


You can now recycle empty medication blister packs at the MTC reception, in collaboratin with the Gibbett Hill Green Action Team

Additional recycling of soft plastics and empty toothpaste tubes can be found in the SLS atrium.

a photo Warwick Medical school medical student scrubs

Second Hand Scrubs

In June we held a scrubs donation drive, for graduating WMS students to donate their no longer needed scrubs to be re-used by other students. More re-using and less washing for us all!

Details of swap event TBC.

New Project Ideas

We are always interested to hear any new project ideas or special interests that you may have.

Please do get in touch and send us an email about what your project idea involves, any experience or expertise you have in the area, and your vision for the project.

From here we will set up an initial meeting to discuss how the project will work, any funding and resources needed, and what support you may need to get it up and running.

Send us an email: