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We are looking forward to welcoming you to Warwick Medical School in the Autumn when you begin your course of post-graduate study with us. To ensure that you are adequately prepared and informed about your studies, we require all students to complete an induction process. We will write to you to tell you more about our induction processes and to provide key information and dates that you will need to note. However, the first date that you can note and put in your diary is Monday 23 September, when we will be holding an onsite "Face to Face" induction event at the Warwick Medical School! Please see below for further information and to access the registration form!

Full time students:
We will be holding an onsite "Face to Face" induction day on Monday 23 September. Induction will provide an opportunity to meet key people including your course director, to orientate yourself to the Medical School, and to be introduced to our key policies and regulations. For international students, it will also introduce you to visa monitoring arrangements. It is highly recommended that all full time students attend this interactive induction programme.

Part time students:
Part time students are encouraged to attend the "Face to Face" induction sessions we will be holding at the Medical School on Monday 23 September. Induction will provide an opportunity to meet key people including your course director, to orientate yourself to the Medical School, and to be introduced to our key policies and regulations. We would like as many of our new part time students as possible to attend the sessions. However, we appreciate that part time students are often balancing their study with work and other commitments, and therefore recorded sessions will be available on Moodle, the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), as an alternative for those part time students who are unable to attend the "Face to Face" sessions. Information will be sent to you regarding the online induction.