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Management of Diabetes in Adolescence


Tabitha Randell

Duration: 4 days

4,000 word essay to be submitted 12 weeks following the taught sessions

CATS: 20

Code: MH905

This module focuses on the particular considerations that are required to provide comprehensive care for an adolescent with diabetes

  • Intended for health professionals involved with the care of adolescents with diabetes
  • Introduces the concept of adolescence, examining the physiology and its influence on diabetes
  • An exploration of adolescent behaviour, behavioural models and health beliefs will underpin the examination of mental health issues including anxiety, depression and eating disorders
  • A discussion of models of transitional care, service implications and management in clinic will aid the professional in provision of care
  • Comprises lectures, group work and supervision
  • The teaching and learning style is interactive, drawing on both the expert teachers and the experience of other students

More Aims and Learning outcomes

Next Course
  • End Point Assessment – Advanced Practice

Other options
  • MSc route: available as an option on MSc in Diabetes programme or on the MSc in Diabetes (Paediatrics) programme.
  • Not sure an MSc is for you? Take this module as a non-accredited course or a Postgraduate Award. Contact us (CPDenquiries at warwick dot ac dot uk) for more information