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Health Screening


This popular collaborative module between Warwick Medical School and the UK National Screening committee (UK NSC) is dedicated to evaluating health screening.

In a cost and health-conscious world, health screening comes under constant scrutiny. How do we decide which screening programmes to introduce and which population groups to screen? What are the ethics behind screening? How do we quality assure programmes and ensure safety and effectiveness?

Covering the underlying epidemiological principles, as well as ethics and policy issues, this module will help those who commission, run or evaluate screening programmes locally or nationally, as well as help those interested in policy and practice in population screening to understand the important issues.

The course is designed for:

  • Health professionals
  • Clinicians
  • Those involved in screening programmes
  • Those undertaking broad-based public health training

The module looks at how to determine when screening is an appropriate intervention, through the analysis of ethical, performance and economic issues, and how screening programmes can be effectively monitored and improved.

The module is delivered face to face at the University of Warwick by a range of academic staff and supported by staff from the UK NSC secretariat in the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (Department of Health and Social Care) to provide ample opportunity for stimulating discussions and socialising with colleagues and teaching staff.

If you are interested in the course but are unable to attend because of its in-person delivery we would like to know. Please get in touch with the module leads to discuss potential alternative options in the future.


4,000 word essay to be submitted 8 weeks following the taught sessions

Study options

2024/25 Dates

Module/PGA Start Date: 11/11/2024 Application Deadline: 07/10/2024

November 2024 Onsite Days
11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Case studies

I found the whole week to be thoroughly engaging and brilliantly taught. I learnt so much. I really do think that anyone involved in the management of a screening programme at any level would benefit enormously from attending and I will be recommending to my peers that they consider applying next year.
Hannah Garnett

"I'd recommend the Warwick module to anyone working in screening."

Read about how our Health Screening module has benefited one of our recent students, Andrew Brown.