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Clinical Lecturer Testimonials

Chris Smith, CL
I am an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Acute Care working at Warwick Clinical Trials Unit and in Emergency Medicine at University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW). I undertook an ACF in South Yorkshire a long time ago (2008-2011) and took a little while to find the right PhD. I completed an NIHR Doctoral Fellowship and PhD in Health Sciences in February 2021. My research interest is in improving the community response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. I evaluated a mobile-phone, app-based volunteer first-responder system and the potential for Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use for cardiac arrest as part of my PhD. I am currently investigating the delivery of AEDs using drones, working with colleagues in Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust and the commercial sector.

Tim RobbinsTim Robbins, CL

I am an NIHR Clinical Lecturer working across University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) and Warwick Medical School. I completed my PhD in Engineering at the Institute of Digital Healthcare, WMG at the University of Warwick. Clinically, I work as a Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Medicine Registrar. My active interests are in digital health and healthcare systems having gained previous international experience in the United States and the Basque Country through a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship and an Albert Renold Fellowship. Recently, I participated in the inaugural Health Education England Topol Digital Health Fellowship Scheme and am currently completing an MBA with Coventry University. I have been involved in the clinical, academic and organisational response to the COVID-19 pandemic at UHCW. My particular interests are in data driven research methodologies for diabetes and chronic diseases.

Petra HansonPetra Hanson, CL

I am an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Warwick Medical School. I have started as an Academic Foundation Trainee in 2012 and have been an academic clinician ever since. My main research interests are in metabolic medicine, type 2 diabetes, obesity, digital health tools, mindfulness and its clinical application. I deliver Mindfulness, Theory and Practice lectures at Warwick University. I currently run two pilot studies assessing the clinical application of mindfulness among people with type 2 diabetes and heart failure. I lead on an innovation digital health project at obesity service at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW). In 2021 I completed a Topol Digital Fellowship, working on application of digital tools in obesity services. In 2022 I was selected for NHS Clinical Entrepreneur programme cohort 6.

Sarah HillmanSarah Hillman, CL

I am an ACL in Primary Care and a GP in south Warwickshire. I started my career as an Obstetrics and Gynaecology trainee and gained research skills as an ACF (at the University of Warwick) and then Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham gaining my PhD in 2014. I am now pursuing a career as an Academic GP after changing training schemes in 2015. My current research interests lie in the areas of Women’s health and Genetics in Primary Care. Primary Care is undergoing many challenges and transitions and I believe that well conducted research rather than political “sound bites” will be the key to successful change. The Primary Care Unit at Warwick is successful and expanding. If you have interest in becoming an academic GP (trainee or post CCT) please don’t hesitate to get in touch.