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Dermatology Update


This one day course covers the essential information to enable GPs, GP trainees and dermatology nurse practitioners to update their knowledge and management of dermatological conditions they typically encounter in primary care.

Why study this course?

This day course enables primary care health professionals to enhance their ability to classify dermatological conditions, recognise differential diagnoses and initiate appropriate investigations, management or referral.

Who is the course aimed at?

This course is targeted at GPs, including trainees fulfilling dermatology requirements of the RCGP curriculum, trainees preparing for MRCGP examinations, salaried GPs and partners seeking to update their dermatology knowledge, dermatology clinical assistants, dermatology GPSIs and nurse practitioners.

Course content

This course has been designed to provide support and guidance on the following areas:

  • Contact dermatitis and patch testing
  • Male genital dermatology
  • Food intolerances
  • Parallel session:
    1. Treatment of Venous Ulceration
    2. Introduction to the use of a dermoscope

  • Paediatric Dermatology
  • Common dermatologicial presentations
  • Melanoma and pre-malignant skin conditions

Key Facts


Cheryl Grantham/ Eva Mussio/ Claire Runaghan

Tel: 02476 574263

Duration: One day

Location: University of Warwick

Please contact us for more information and when we plan to deliver this course again.