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Freya Beardsley

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Name: Freya Beardsley

Year of study: Third year 


College/Sixth Form subjects: Biology, Geography, Psychology 

Why did you pick BSc Health and Medical Sciences?  

Originally I wasn’t sure whether to do biomedical or health and medical sciences, but after further reading I am happy I chose health and medical sciences. It provides a holistic insight from muscle cells, to cardiovascular disease to the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. The course is interesting and engaging, it was the perfect course for the A Levels I took, providing me with a solid foundation.

Why did you choose Warwick?  

I chose Warwick because the campus is a clean, friendly and supportive environment. It is an innovative campus which is constantly developing.

How have you found the course so far?  

I have found the course really interesting, sometimes a little hard but the lecturers are always on hand to ask for help.

How have you found the change from College/Sixth Form to University?  

I have found the change easy, the independence at college really set the foundation for the independence at university.

What have you enjoyed the most about the course so far?  

So far, I really enjoyed looking at the cardiovascular disease and the epigenetics of cardiovascular disease. As well as Case Based Learning (CBL) which is an innovative idea that has helped me gain confidence and further understand topics I might have found harder originally.

Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities?  

I have joined the society RAG - Raising and Giving.

Do you have an idea what you would like to do when you graduate?  

I have had a couple of ideas such as: post-graduate medicine, epidemiologist, a clinical scientist and a biomedical scientist.

Do you have any advice for people applying for the course? 

If you would like a more holistic course, which not only takes into account society, populations and systems as well as the biological aspect, then this course is for you. However, if you prefer straight biological or research based courses, Biological science or Biomedical science could be a better option for you.

Finally, what three words would you use to describe your experience of studying at WMS?  

Inspiring, adaptive, supportive. 

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