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Udai Taneja


Name: Udai Taneja

Year of study: Second year 

Why did you pick BSc Health and Medical Sciences?  

HMS allows me to look at a variety of options and future career options, not limited to research and medicine, but also the corporate sector, the industrial sector and the public health sector.

What is your favourite thing about the course? 

My favourite thing about the course so far would have to be case based learning (CBL). It’s a different way of learning and we’re able to apply the knowledge we’ve gained through the online materials, lectures and seminars into real life situations – it’s a good way of not just revising, but also, learning new things and the information tends to stick more.

Do you know what you would like to do upon completion of the course?

I’m not entirely sure, but I would like to go into either corporate industrial sector or the public health sector.

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