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Study Abroad Programme


The BSc Health and Medical Sciences course provides two optional routes where our students can gain experience of studying and living abroad.

1) Summer abroad route:

In this option, students will have the option of spending up to 12 weeks at one of the University of Warwick partner institutes approved by the Course Study Abroad Coordinator.

2) Intercalated year abroad route:

In this pathway, students will have the option of spending up to 10 months at one of the University of Warwick partner institutes approved by the Course Study Abroad Coordinator.

Both routes are non-credit bearing however, successful completion of both routes will be reflected in the degree classification and HEAR statement. Both options will provide students with the opportunity to experience the social and cultural environment of the host city and country as well as the opportunity to improve foreign language skills (in exchanges where the language is not English) while broadening their understanding and knowledge of their subject specialism by undertaking a research project in their chosen area of interest at the host institute.

'The thought of studying abroad can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. But in my view, the exciting opportunities that comes from studying abroad outweighs any challenges or daunting feelings that you may feel at first about studying in a different country with potentially different culture and language!

'Studying abroad not only provides you with a great opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills in your chosen subject area, but it also helps you to develop resilience, independence, appreciation for different cultures/different perspectives and most importantly a newfound confidence in your own abilities to take on challenges that at first may have appeared terrifying! Finally, you will make connections and friendships that you will end up cherishing for years to come'.

Dr Leda Mirbahai


Associate Professor | Education Lead for Biomedical Sciences Division (BMS) | Medical Science Theme Lead and Assessment Lead for BSc. Health and Medical Sciences

Female student beside lake with swiss flag

Freya Beardsley

Final Year BSc Health and Medical Sciences student who spent summer 2022 in Professor Coisson's lab at University of Geneva

'It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done, and I learned so much about myself as part of the experience. I enjoyed the practical learning of being in the lab and working with others, but also It really helped with my confidence and self-development. It’s the best opportunity I’ve undertaken to facilitate academic and personal growth'.

Read the full interview with Freya.