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Advanced Cases in Health and Medical Sciences

In this module you will investigate three advanced contemporary cases, spending two weeks per case. The three cases will cover authentic and complex global and local health problems. The cases will integrate and expand on the areas covered in years 1 and 2. This module will further engage you in a transdisciplinary approach to problem-solving, providing unique opportunities to practice your holistic approach to investigating problems in health and go deeper in your analysis of the issues that arise from the cases to explore issues including health policy.

By the end of the module you will be able to:

  1. To investigate complex interrelated real-world challenges in health and medical sciences
  2. To evidence responsible and judicious strategic decision making through well-established reasoning and teamworking skills when considering cases
  3. To design and develop case-based learning materials which aim to advance knowledge of health problems faced by individuals and society
  4. To develop and use strategic planning and reasoning skills to engage with others and develop innovative teaching materials that explore the global burden of disease
  5. To reflect on case-based learning as a lens through which to review real world challenges in health and medical sciences


6 weeks

Teaching methods
You will learn through a mix of lectures, group discussions, interactive presentations, case based learning and technology enhanced learning.


1 x creation of case-based learning materials