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Andrew Miltiadou


Name: Andrew Miltiadou

Year of study:


College/sixth form subjects
: Biology, Chemistry, Maths, EPQ

Why did you pick MSci Integrated Natural Sciences?

I wanted to pursue a science degree which was interdisciplinary in nature and learn key fundamentals from all aspects of science. INS delivers on this, focused on tackling science head on with a strong lab component to gain first hand experience as a researcher instead of learning from lectures.

Why did you chose to study at Warwick?

Warwick is hailed as one of the best universities in the country, particularly in Biological Sciences. It has a separate campus for all its biological courses, which gives students the necessary resources to become biology experts.

How have you found the course so far?

INS has much smaller cohorts compared to other biology courses. This allows a classroom learning approach instead of traditional lectures. This greatly supports one to one learning between students and professors, providing a better opportunity for students to stay on top of their modules and get the appropriate support they need for assignments. The style of learning drastically changes from third year as students start projects in active research labs. This first-hand experience has helped me grasp the principles for independent research and inspired me to write articles for the Boar student newspaper.

How have you found the change from sixth form to university?

It was challenging to get used to studying without any external help. At university, there is no one to tell you to study or revise so you start to learn to do that yourself. The independence can be overwhelming but the earlier you start to organise and plan your day the better position you'll find yourself in exam season and the more confidence you'll have .

What have you enjoyed most about the course so far?

The lab opportunities have been incredibly interactive. In first year, you will be able to try different experiments ranging from biochemistry to computer science. If you are unsure what area of science you want to specialise in then this course will allow you to try different things to find the field you love.

Have you been involved in any extra curricular activities/societies?

I started the Integrated Science society with some other INS students where I served as Treasurer and Secretary. Our goal was to unify STEM students from other courses to attend lecturers by researchers from various scientific fields. I was also a member of Dodgeball Society from my second year and became the deputy editor of the Boar newspaper Sci/Tech section in my fourth year. I was able to make incredible memories through dodgeball and publish articles on the university newspaper, which was an amazing opportunity.

Do you have an idea of what you would like to do when you graduate?

At the moment, I don't have a clear idea but I want to go into marine biology so I am looking at different opportunities to pursue a career in this field.

Do you have any advice for people applying for the course?

If you have a passion for science this is a fantastic course to consider. You will have amazing opportunities to study various scientific fields and learn from an amazing group of researchers.

Finally, what three words would you use to describe your experience of studying at WMS?

Challenging, supportive, brilliant