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Rosie Rudin Profile

Second year student, Rosie Rudin is an Oddballs Foundation ambassador, which means alongside her studies she goes out and about in her recognisable Oddballs car to schools, sports teams and workplaces raising awareness of testicular cancer.

The idea is to encourage men and boys to regularly check themselves and go to their GP if they discover any lumps. ‘Check yourself guides’ are distributed around sites, in easy access locations to remind people of what to do and how to get support.

Although it can strike anyone, testicular cancer is most likely to affect those aged between 15 and 49. Around 2,300 people are diagnosed each year and those who have close relatives previously diagnosed are at a greater risk. However, with early detection and treatment, 98-99% of cases are cured.

The Oddballs University Ambassador Scheme has been running since 2018, starting with five ambassadors and fifty talks. In 2022 there are fifty ambassadors and over 825 talks delivered.

University students are excellent ambassadors to share this message with young people as they are relatable and in the case of medical students, they understand the terminology. It is a great opportunity for students to connect with people of all ages, enhance their public speaking skills and give something back to the community.

Rosie said, “As a young medical student it is easier for us to explain to students what to look out for and the difference between say a lump and a cyst. We can provide reassurance and engage with them in a way that perhaps adults can’t. It has been a great experience and has improved my public speaking skills. It is fun, visiting the schools and interacting with the students. They have all been really mature even though we are discussing a potentially awkward subject and it is great to think that by raising awareness some young people have checked their testicles and have gone to their GPs with any concerns.”

Rosie, an ex-international swimmer is also actively fundraising for the charity. She has already completed a 100k bike ride with the Warwick Medical School Tri-Club, is set to do a half Iron Man including members of her family and Ride London which is a 160k bike ride!

Ambassador schemes such as the Oddballs one is something that students can get involved with during their time studying. To find out more about this scheme please visit the Oddballs Foundation website.