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Georgina Mynott

Fourth (At time of interview: January 2019)

Hometown: Shirley, Solihull

Education: Sports and Exercise Science at Loughborough University

What work experience had you gained before coming here?

I participated in several work experience and volunteering placements before coming here:

  • Hospital volunteering – doing the hot drinks rounds on the ward
  • Volunteering with the Stroke Association
  • One week shadowing a GP
  • One week shadowing an orthopaedic surgeon

Why did you choose Warwick?

I chose Warwick because the combination of case-based learning alongside traditional lectures appealed to my learning style. Also, the open day highlighted the excellent anatomy teaching provided at Warwick, which was a topic I was particularly looking forward to getting to grips with. My final reason was the desire to study amongst other graduates from a wide range of backgrounds, something which on reflection I feel has been a real asset to my studies.

How have you found the MB ChB so far?

It’s been an absolute whirlwind last 3 ½ years but it has been great! I especially enjoyed the speciality placements in phase 3, with the obstetrics and gynaecology block being my favourite. We received excellent teaching on the block and got to be part of some really special moments on the labour ward.

What else have you enjoyed about the course?

My favourite thing about Warwick is how supportive the students are of one another. There are some excellent peer teaching schemes which I have got involved in both as a student and as a teacher, and found them to be a real asset.

Has anything surprised you during your time here?

I think the most surprising thing for me is that in little over 3 ½ years you can go from having almost no medical knowledge to being ready to sit your final exams. At the start of first year this feat did not seem possible.

I’ve also been pleasantly surprised just how willing and happy patients are to welcome you into their healthcare journeys to support our learning in hospital and the community settings.

Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities?

I took up climbing as a complete novice in my first year through the Wilderness society, who run weekly session at the climbing wall on campus. Since starting at Warwick, I have also taken up mountain biking, continued horse riding and competed in my first triathlon. There’s plenty of time to play hard as well as work hard if you’re organised.

Do you have any ideas at this stage about what you’d like to specialise in in the future?

I am currently planning a career as a GP. I'm hoping to add in some work in acute medicine and medical education further down my career.

Do you have any advice for people applying for this course?

When it comes to getting work experience before the course, don’t get too focused on shadowing doctors. There’s as much, if not more, to be learnt from voluntary roles. With all the experience you gain, it’s important to reflect on what you got out of it, and how this will influence you as a medical student.

Attend the open day – it’s a really good way to get a feel for the course structure and whether it will suit you.