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Knowledge: structures & processes

Rate your knowledge: Structures & Processes

Self-audit, then find out more about processes underpinning inclusive education

These are three levels checklists in the Inclusive Education Framework (IEF)Link opens in a new window; individual educator, programme team level and educational leadership. Below, we've provided a self-test for the individual to review current areas of strength and development with respect to structures and processes that underpin inclusive education. The tabbed content provides information you may wish to explore relating to topics referred to in the questions. This form does not hold your data; you may wish to separately note down areas you've identified to develop.

I collaborate with academic and professional teams to promote inclusivity

I am always conscious to ensure that my communication is consistent

I raise issues surrounding inclusive and accessible education with programme leaders

I analyse student demographics for widening participation

I actively implement university inclusive policies

I identify and then work on actions I can take to meet inclusivity targets

I seek access to and use relevant data to practice more inclusively

I ensure reasonable adjustments are made for students

I advocate for improved and more equitable reasonable adjustments with concrete actions

I create accessible teaching and learning materials that work for people with different experiences to me

I consciously assess teaching spaces for accessibility issues

I consistently report accessibility issues to the necessary bodies and follow these up - escalating to a higher body when required
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